Child counsellor sentence in kiddie porn case

SAN DIEGO - A former child counselor was sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in an international child pornography ring in a case the judge called the "most horrible" of her legal career.

"You are the most despicable individual I have come across," San Diego Superior Court Judge Gale E. Kaneshiro told Paul Gordon Whitmore as she sentenced him Thursday.
wow, and that in Cali...
catocom said:
wow, and that in Cali...

Life in prison is too light a sentence. He deserves death. His job was to help children, not exploit them...
Gato_Solo said:
Life in prison is too light a sentence. He deserves death. His job was to help children, not exploit them...
the law doesn't allow for that...if it did, I'd be onboard with it. ;)
Then change th elaw. It may be too late for this sick piece of shit but it may help in the future
Well, keep in mind what the other inmates do to people convicted of that kind of stuff...
Give him a weekly bath in Neet and something to soften his voice, and drop him with the other molestors.