childhood games


New Member
nalani and I got all excited playing Jacks the other day. I bought some for $1 at a convenience store. Now I'm looking all over for Chinese Jacks, but the stores don't have 'em anymore :(

When we tried to play jacks with my kid sis and nalani's kids, they were awful :D We kicked their asses! See what video games do!! Kids these days have no coordination for a simple game of jacks :D

...whoa, just looked on the web, the first site I went to priced Chinese Jacks at $10!! Holy phreakin' cow!
My games would have been mid 70s. That was the era of bean bag tic tac toe, rubber horseshoes, this racquetball on a tether gizmo, superball, simple jacks, card games, Etch-a-Sketch, and MASH coloring books.
They banned Lawn darts when I was around 10 or so. Guess it's a good thing we got ours before then. :D
I still have twister!! They'd probably kick my ass on it though!! (I even have this twister "board" where you attach a waterhose to it and water shoots out of the circles) :headbang:
unclehobart said:
..this racquetball on a tether gizmo...
We had something similar, called tetherball. I loved that game and would rule the playground with it.
Mousetrap, The Game of Life, Monopoly, Uno (still my fav), then the outside games were Ring-A-Levio (I think that's a NY/Long Island thing), reverse hide-and-go-seek, kickball, kick the can, tag, red light/green light, red rover...

We grew up in a town built for families. We had a hell of a lot of kids on our block and a safe neighborhood. We really didn't have a care, running around in the streets until our parents called us in for the night. Leaving some of our toys and bikes outside wasn't a problem unless one of your parents backed over them with the car.

*sigh* Sometimes I really miss being a kid. But then I go over my sisters house and I can play with my nieces and nephews. :D
I also tried to play Dodge Ball with the young'uns this past weekend ... I lasted all of 5 minutes or so :D
umm... I have to admit that my sister and I are the reason Red Rover is banned within the Public School System here in Hawai'i ... we were playing it with a bunch of our students a few years ago ... and there was an ambulance ... and ... well ... it's banned ...
I think our version of Red Rover was possibly called British Bulldogs and basically everyone started at one side of an area/hall and had to get to the other side. If the person who was "it" could stop someone then they had to join them. It was a very physical game to say the least. I used to play a variation of dodgeball at scouts called murderball, the standard rules of dodgeball were that you had to hit them with the ball below the knee. With murderball this rule was ignored :eek:

Swingball... that used to rule until you managed to hit yourself with the ball :)

Murderball sounds much more exciting than plain ol' dodgeball. I like it.:grinyes: