Chile mine collapse


molṑn labé
Staff member
Talk about a study in contrast.

BP pops a cork, the President uses it as an excuse to shut down drilling, to rail against evil corporations & to squeeze 20 billion out of a private organization...before it is apparent what the effects will be. Then, three weeks before an election in which the democrats will be slaughtered, he "allows" drilling to continue. Of course, all the platforms have been moved to Venezuaela & Africa. We're paying other nations to do what he said we can't do & he's still talkign about raping BP (even though the oil has disappeared).

33 guys get trapped in a collapsed mine. The Chilean President tells the miners (who used 2 days worth of food to keep them alive for over 17 days) that he will not allow beauracracy to "get in the way" of their rescue. At which point he allows American companies with the right equipment to begin drilling. Japanese & German firms help with other matters & in half the estimated time, the miners are being slid out of the mine in a NASA designed capsule. Damn good thing they don't have the Jones Act & a President who won't waive it.

The miners made a pact to not disclose anything until they are all out of the hospital & able to share in the limelight together. Strength of character, capitalist know-how, politicians who look to get the job done & rugged individualism. Well, we now know where the American spirit went.
South America may soon be what the USA used to be, and the USA will be
what Russia used to be....
good points gonz. but wouldn't be even better if they just played it old school, the way they woulda before labor got all uppity, and just said "fuck 'em... rescue's too expensive" and walked away? how hard could it be to round up another 30-40 chilean laborers, anyway?
If they know there's gold, and or copper still down there, they'd want them out
before they started stinking too bad.
Gotta get that sucker operating again. asap!
I followed the last week of that pretty closely, I set work aside and watch the the last 30 hours almost completely. I was in envy at what I saw, how the people worked and handled the job. They didn't pussy foot around and handled business, they took risk.

The whole time I was coveting their President who could stand up and speak to the nation from the heart without benefit of a teleprompter. He could rally the people for the good of the nation and national pride.

Chile has a piss poor past and they are moving in the opposite direction our nation is.