Chinese launch one into orbit


They are finally doing it at about the same time our software designers here in the states have taken it up as a hobby...and the hobby crafts will be reusable within 24 hours...

Well I hear china makes really great toys for happy meal pack ins.
Well I didnt hear it I just read the bottom of the toy :lol2:

:rolleyes: whatever. It's the 3rd country to launch a man into orbit by its own means, if I recall correctly. I just wish they have means to recover the crew in one piece aswell...
Amatuers don't have as many nukes as China does. Does anyone know if China is a signatory to the no nukes in space treaty?
That's one of the main concerns right now. Thay are going up & leaving certain future use valuables behind.

It is no secret that the Chinese military controls the resources and the direction of China's space program. From the program's inception, China's space ambitions have been couched in strategic terms. And the dual-use nature of space technologies means that most advances in the civilian space sector -- about 95 percent -- can be converted for military purposes.

Boston Globe