Christmas Carols Quiz


Too cute for words
The quiz.

24/25 but I suppose I have an unfair advantage having sung these things year after year. I missed God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen of all things. Let's see how you folks do.
You mean Noël?

I know a woman named Noël, she gets pissed if you leave off her umlautpunkte. :nerd:

I'm glad I live alone...I broke out in song to figure out a few of them :D
21/25...Your TOTAL SCORE is: 88%. You know your seasonal songs! Treat yourself to an extra slice of fruitcake.

If I'd have known about the fruitcake, I would've done worse...Might as well eat a brick...:crap:
You're better off eating the brick... it's less solid and it tastes better. Plus, it would be a great source of minerals.
21/25...Your TOTAL SCORE is: 88%. You know your seasonal songs! Treat yourself to an extra slice of fruitcake.

If I'd have known about the fruitcake, I would've done worse...Might as well eat a brick...:crap:

I guess I'm just one of the few people who've had good fruitcake. Now, I'll grant you that the average fruitcake probably tasted like shit when it was fresh (whatever millenia that was), but I know a lady who makes a fruitcake with dates, figs, cranberries and nuts and such, soaked in rum, that is just fantastic. :shrug: