Chuck a baby.

How many times a day do you change that avatar? You remind me of my wife before big night out. She's gotta try on every outfit in the closet, and mind you, this is a big closet, before deciding on the first thing she tried on.
As for the people who did this to a baby....ohhh man....ohhhhhh man. Please walk into my store...please walk into my store....
Hey they din want the 'thing'
Here in AZ I thought the law that was
passed that a women could stumble into
ANY fire station and hand her newborn baby over
no questions asked was a bad thing,

now I'm not quite so sure.
Like I said....walk into my store.

I need to see the effectiveness of these black talons...
Oh they work purdy good is my guess

No punishment man could conceive is sufficient for these creatures.

They'll get theirs eventually. If they are ever caught, no way in hell they will manage to survive in prison. Even hardened criminals don't take kindly to this shit.
Talk about a day ruiner...

The good Samaritan, who originally thought the couple had thrown a puppy out the window, was "very distraught, very upset," Jenne said.

So, by this time next week, this female will have undergone minor psychiatric treatment (talked to a drunken counselor) & will be excused for her actions since "she didn't know that what she was doing is bad" or "the underprivileged didn't have the same opportunity as the rest of us so who the hell are we to judge her misfortune?"
from the slant in the update on the story
it does appear that what she did wasn't any big deal
after all WTH do you do with a brand new bundle of joy
that you don’t want
'pitch it out the window’ of course.
I checked and Florida also has a law that says you can dump the baby off at any fire station, no questions asked. I guess going to the fire station was too inconvenient.

Feb 11, 3:05 PM (ET)


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - A woman who claimed to have rescued a newborn boy after he was thrown from a moving car was actually the child's mother, fabricating the story to conceal her pregnancy, officials said Friday.

The woman, who kept her pregnancy a secret from her family and others, had planned to take the baby to authorities, Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne said. She then built her story after seeing two people argue inside their car, he said; the baby was never thrown.

"It's not as horrible as we first thought," Jenne said. "The baby was never thrown out of a moving car. This is the case of a disturbed woman who gave birth and did not want to keep her child."

The woman gave birth Thursday afternoon, and an hour later dropped him off at a Broward sheriff's substation, telling authorities her tale of seeing the boy tossed out of the car, Jenne said.

The 38-year-old woman has not been charged.

"She has indicated that she does not want the child," Jenne said.

The 8-pound, 2-ounce boy, whose umbilical cord was still attached when he was brought in, was hospitalized in good condition Friday. Nurses at the hospital have nicknamed the child Johnny.

State law lets a mother leave a baby at any medical facility or fire station within three days of birth without any questions asked.

A woman had said thought the people in the