Cirque Du Soleil


New Member
Rusty took me to see Cirque Du Soleil's "Varekai" show yesterday as an early birthday present. It was spectacular, I've never seen anything like it. He got great seats too, we were in the second row, about 10 feet from the stage.

It was hotter than hell and we got there too early so we had to stand in the sun for a while but it was so worth it. Tonight was their last show in NY, it's travelling to Chicago next. If you can get the tickets (they can get pricey too), I highly reccommend it. They have a whole bunch of touring shows around the world and some permanent shows in Canada and the US.

The Bravo channel on cable has a special on the making of the same show that we saw. I'm going to watch it tomorrow night at 8, it should be interesting to learn more about the same people we saw on stage.

Here are some links from their website if you're interested:

Home page:

List of touring and resident shows with dates:

If you click on a show, there are clips you can watch and music you can listen to.
ooooh you're really a lucky girl to have that Rusty!!!

I went once to see it when the man who doesn't exist was working is definitely fabulous!!

Lemme say it again in case it wasn't clear...


I watched some of the "reality" TV show. It was OK but could have been lots better (IMHO). I would like to have seen more about the technical aspects and less about the interperonsal melodrama.

I've never gotten to see them live, but I've watched just about every show they have taped on Bravo. Those folks do some really wicked cool things.
I really felt like a little kid again at this show. I was laughing out loud and smiling and yelling out and gasping... Some of the guys were standing right in front of me and laughed at me whenever I would get all nervous about the stunts and them falling. Especially during the finale. I won't ruin it but let's just say there were bodies flying all over the place and 'contraptions' swinging over my head and I found myself cringing in fear. I was preparing to get a grope in there if they did, those guys are hotties. :D

Looks to be a chick thing so far... Jan, you should really see them if you get the chance. Seeing it on tv doesn't do it justice! :)
i love watching the shows on Bravo too.
they did a show north of Boston not too long ago but we couldn't make it because of work schedules.
Just watched the special. There's an act that didn't make it and a few costume changes but it appears to be the same.

The Canadians dressed a whole lot better for the show than the NY'ers did the other night. :eh: The show I was watching was for opening night in Canada but if you're going to pay that much for a ticket, you may as well look nice, no matter what night you go.
I had no chance nor money to go see their Alegria show when they came over here, i'll have to wait til the next time.

However, i've heard only good things about their show.
KU'U!!!! :wave:

I was just thinking about you! I got some pictures developed and there were two that reminded me of you that I wanted to show you!

I'll have to get a whole bunch scanned... I hope you're going to come back soon. :)
Well first off, my plumies are doing great. I have full leaves on two, one has leaves that are going to open any day and the other is growing leaves from three-count em-three! places on the cutting! I lost the other three to rot but I was prepared for that. I'll take some pictures once the inflo starts to form and hopefully I'll get some blooms before summer's end.

I was in the Bonsai room at the botanical garden and this one bonsai was almost glowing in the sunlight. I had never seen a bonsai with these colors before and then I looked at the nameplate: Bourgenvillea "Hawaii". Seems like I'm drawn to all things Hawaiian lately. ;)

Honeymoon perhaps? Rusty and I are talking *just talking* about wedding plans. My sister wants us to have our reception at her house. Although I like her house and property and it's humongous, I don't know. I was thinking something more formal.

We've always wanted to get married on a beach or near water somehow. It would really be great to get married *in* Hawaii but then no one in our families could attend.

Eh, who am I kidding, we're probably not even doing a full-fledged honeymoon. We're saving for a house. :shrug: I can still dream though, can't I? :)