Client Complaints


New Member
I deal with irate clients on an almost daily basis, as I'm sure many others here do. Some of them have valid complaints, others just feel the need to rant and in some cases I think they are just lonely and want someone to talk to. All of them are treated very seriously and I try my best to resolve them speedily.

But this had me questioning the sanity of some of our clients:

(from our CEO's diary)

Louanne de Waal told us about handling a complaint where a customer wanted to speak to me demanding that (insert name of Bank I work for) should refund him the price he paid at a pet shop for a rabbit. The rabbit died and the pet shop won't refund him so he's after the bank!

AlphaTroll said:
I deal with irate clients on an almost daily basis, as I'm sure many others here do. Some of them have valid complaints, others just feel the need to rant and in some cases I think they are just lonely and want someone to talk to. All of them are treated very seriously and I try my best to resolve them speedily.

But this had me questioning the sanity of some of our clients:

(from our CEO's diary)


If the rabbit died, wouldn't he be better off suing the contraceptive company? :lol: :rofl: :rofl4:
I've had a customer who returned 99 cent jelly pops because they were a half ounce smaller than the sign said. I also had one guy call saying he wanted to return a DVD he stole cause it didn't work. I told him he got what he paid for. :D
Stop Laughing said:
I've had a customer who returned 99 cent jelly pops because they were a half ounce smaller than the sign said. I also had one guy call saying he wanted to return a DVD he stole cause it didn't work. I told him he got what he paid for. :D

steweygrrrr said:
Why does anyone need to get sued?

Its one of those annoying free rights we get. Some deserve a good spank on the ass with a lawsuit but more often than not its those who sue for menial things that deserve to be slapped and booted off this continent.
sometimes i get people at my counter, at the photo lab, who think that everything's the fault of the lab and its workers.

i mean... cos obviously....

you have a top-of-the-line camera, and you use good film in it... it's not possible that anything, any light-errors or color "problems" .... it must be the lab's fault

the lab has equipment that costs probably at least 8 times more than your laughable state of the art camera.
cost means nothing.

and your pictures looked perfectly fine to me.

thank you, have a nice day, and sorry if this makes no sense *is just venting*
That makes me glad I don't work that department. Our equipment breaks down every week, and Qualex isn't exactly speedy at repairing it. It sucks having to tell customers it'll take 2 days to do their pictures instead of one hour. Actually, in my current position, I have less interaction with customers than almost anyone at the store, which I'm grateful for. The only people I see are people who ask where the toothpaste is.
our machine is usually up... and qualex (yay! same company!) doesnt usually take more than a day or so to get to us...
at my lab, we dont call ourselves one hour.... we're on-site, because people apparantly used to get really bitchy at us over that, lol... we used to have two machines, so it was easier to do it quickly, but then we were downsized :( lol.

i'm a photo freakomaniac, and i take a lot of pics... and i get them for free... because i'm just that cool.
my coworkers complain about not getting a discount in the store we're located in (BJ's), but i'm just happy to get free pictures :)
IDLEchild said:
Its one of those annoying free rights we get. Some deserve a good spank on the ass with a lawsuit but more often than not its those who sue for menial things that deserve to be slapped and booted off this continent.
I agree that lady (???) suing McDonalds for making her fat? Surely SHE made herself fat by eating there....she didnt have to. Nothing against people on here cos you are all amazing but why do a lot of Americans...nah make that people in general, you just hear more of it from America.... have a responsibility issue. You made a mistake, its your fault, you accept the consequences, LIVE WITH IT!!!!! Whats so hard there?



Sorry....a Pet hate of mine... "oh im gonna sue someone cos I cant have my own way" BAH

edit:- my speeling (sic) sucks.... ohh...a lil mexican wave, mad smiley style.....
Hey ash, we got a new machine last year from Fuji for making digital prints straight from the memory sticks and cards and just about whatever you got (having a digital camera, I love this), but they have yet to come out and do any service on it. Luckily our own technicians know enough about it to service it, but Fuji has some of the worst service I've seen, they're not even reachable by phone half the time.
steweygrrrr said:
I agree that lady (???) suing McDonalds for making her fat? Surely SHE made herself fat by eating there....she didnt have to. Nothing against people on here cos you are all amazing but why do a lot of Americans...nah make that people in general, you just hear more of it from America.... have a responsibility issue. You made a mistake, its your fault, you accept the consequences, LIVE WITH IT!!!!! Whats so hard there?



Sorry....a Pet hate of mine... "oh im gonna sue someone cos I cant have my own way" BAH

edit:- my speeling (sic) sucks.... ohh...a lil mexican wave, mad smiley style.....

Maybe she should've eaten at Burger King...where she can have it her way... :rofl4:
Had a good one his morning again:

Me: "(insert name of Bank where I work) Regional Office, this is K speaking, can I help you?"
Client: "Yes, this is Mr. ...I'd like to lodge a complaint against your branch in ..."
Me: "What is the problem sir?"
Client: "I went into the branch to collect my chequebook and the lady at the Enquiries Desk wouldn't give it to me"
Me: "What is your account number sir? I will follow up with the branch and find out why they were unable to assist you"
Client: "My account number is #### and my contact number is ####. I am really pissed off with you people, your f*cking incompetence is driving me around the bend"
Me: "I am sorry you feel that way sir. Your account number seems to be incorrect, are you certain it is your current account number with (insert name of bank I work for)?"
Client: "Of course I am sure! What, do you think I'm an imbicile? Young lady if I were an imbicile I'd be working for a bank!"
Me: "Sir, the number you gave me is not a (insert name of bank I work for) account number. The account number you gave me starts with a 3 and all our current account numbers start with a 1 and has only 10 digits. Could you perhaps check it again?"
Client: "Well of course it isn't a (insert name of bank I work for) account number - I bank with (insert name of bank A)"
Me: "In that case sir you will have to contact the people at that bank to collect your chequebook"
Client: "Why? Don't all the banks work the same? If I phoned my branch, could I collect my chequebook at your branch?"
Me: "I am sorry sir, but you cannot collect a chequebook from another bank at one of our branches as it would be impossible for us to verify your identity"
Client: "Are you accusing me of being a criminal?"
Me: "No sir, but we do not work on the same system as your bank and would therefore not have any way of verifying who we are handing the chequebook out to"
Client: "This is really pathetic, I have a company to run and don't have time to waste on this rubbish. You'd better make sure my chequebook gets to that f*cking branch or else...."
*click as he put the phone down in my ear*

I hope he gets bitten on the balls by a rabid dog :rolleyes:
Is it that he banks at a different" branch " than you work at i.e. He deals with Bank A " Branch #155" and you work for Bank A Branch #123 or is it a totally different financial institution? i.e. he deals with Bank B and you work for Bank A :confused:

We had a customer return some tires within the 30days allowed which is fine ,but he wanted us to "special order" a different set and he would try them for 30days and if he liked them he'd also return these for a full refund and buy the identical tires from Honda :alienhuh:
A.B.Normal said:
Is it that he banks at a different" branch " than you work at i.e. He deals with Bank A " Branch #155" and you work for Bank A Branch #123 or is it a totally different financial institution? i.e. he deals with Bank B and you work for Bank A :confused:

He banks with a totally different financial institution - kinda nullifies his claim of not being an imbicile.