Clinton 2012


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Annointed one is under 45%.

Most of his cabinet is Clinton-croonies.

Carville had a shit fit about him regarding the oil geiser.

A democrat poll group found over 55% think the terms "too liberal" & "socialist" fit him well.

Several leftist articles have been published recently about his (absolute or potential) failure & we haven't even hit two years yet.

The House will crumble & the Senate may also fall in Novemeber.

Here's two possibilities....

Mrs Bill resigns Sect of State. The she gets a "calling" to run, right of the commie bastard.


Obama boots Biden (who will of course voluntarily resign for medical reasons) & asks Mrs Bill to take his place.

It's beginning to look like another exciting campaign.
I don't see Obama moving Hillary up any.
He wants to appease the Muslims too much.
Why do you think she hasn't been more vocal than she has?

We may see a split eventually though.
I predicted it to get ugly a long time ago though and it hasn't....
it may still....sometime.

I'm wondering how low the country will have to go before the DNC moves
away from Obama, at this point.
That will be what determines how they all play their cards.
This isn't Obama moving her up, it's her having all the cards.

I think she'll resign & challenge him.
Billary in 2012

What and lose in the primary, on purpose so the incumbent can retain office?

Or perhaps they all know the chance of Obambi getting a second term is nil.

I just can't see how this could pan out, oh yeah we didn't nominate
our sitting President as candidate. Or Hussein gives a LBJ type speech?

“ I blew chunks so bad as President we need Billary to take the reins ”.

No folks it’s all a sham, the Republicans will regain the White House
but do nothing substantial to reverse the course we find ourselves on
a trip straight to a New Soviet Socialist Republic.

The players change the game remains the same.
Re: Billary in 2012

Or perhaps they all know the chance of Obambi getting a second term is nil.


the Republicans will regain the White House but do nothing substantial to reverse the course we find ourselves on a trip straight to a New Soviet Socialist Republic.

The players change the game remains the same.

Generally agreed. However, should Palin overcome the odds, there would be change.

Oh, and it's United Socialist States of America. Less interuption that way.