Clinton to have heart surgery


New Member
Former President Bill Clinton will undergo heart bypass surgery as early as Saturday, sources tell CNN.

Clinton was in New York-Presbyterian Hospital on Friday undergoing tests for chest discomfort.

A close friend of Clinton said the former president called him to say that his doctors had advised him that he needs bypass surgery.


Much as I hated him as a president, I wish him luck with this.
Yeah, it's just been announced on the telly news that he's had some kinda heart attack (didn't say how strong it was)

Damn....only 58 and he looked as fit as a fiddle. :eh:

Best wishes to him.

Mind you....if I woke up next to hillary clinton......I'd prolly have a heart attack meself (or at least wish I had one) ;)
Fit as a McDonalds sponsored fiddle. ;)

I agree with both HomeLAN & Prof, if they find a heart I Hope :rofl2: all goes well.
I truly do wish him the best. Saw him on Lettermen a few weeks ago, he really does seem like a decent guy.
I do wish him well since he cant be president again (thank god)

But to repeat this point; did Clinton have this pain before, after, or during Bush's sppech?