cocoa and crackers

you bake your potatoes for 10 hours??? ACK! too long to wait to eat ...

how low of a temp do you bake them at?
unclehobart said:
I just made a pizza from scratch

i did that once. a most satisfying experience it was.

everyone should make a pizza from nowt more than a pile of flour and tomatoes at least once in thier lives!
I buy the dough from Super G then put on sauce and cheese. We are trying to get a recipe for dough from our friend, who makes really good pizza (and really good other foods for that matter)
set your oven to the lowest heat setting allowable

3 cups of flour(bread or all purpose)
1 cup of warm water (105 degrees.. just overly lukewarm, anything higher will kill the yeast you need to put in it)
half a pinch of sugar into the warm water)
2 teaspoons of yeast
1/2 tsp salt
tablespoon of olive oil

large bowl (I mean about frickin huge large bowl to allow for the dough to rise)
wooden spoon (youre going to use the handle side)

add the flour and salt to the bowl, mix them.
make a crater in the flour mix so that you can make a lake of the yeast water.
add the olive oil to the crater.
add the sugar and yeast to the warm water, stir, allow to sit for a minute.
add the water to the crater.
slowly swirl the water mix, adding little tiny draws of flour so that the water becomes an ever thickening but well mixed paste.
after about 2 minutes it will suddenly thicken and just about grab all of the flour at once.
Keep stirring as it will properly knead the dough.
When its all nicely mixed and properly shredded up, flour your hands a bit and pick up the dough. Work it with your hands for a while until it becomes a nice smooth consistent ball.
Put 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the bowl you just mixed in; coat the entire inside of the bowl.
Rotate the dough ball in the bottom of the bowl so that it is coated; ultimaltely leaving the dough ball in the bottom of the bowl.
Turn off the oven and open it partly to vent excess heat.
plastic wrap the top of the bowl; place into oven; close it; walk away for at least an hour.
If the dough has at least doubled in size, gently deflate the mass and then stretch out to your desired pan base.
Cover with sauce and toppings as desired.
Cook @400 degrees for at least 13 minutes ... all ovens and topping thickness are different... so do keep an eye on it past 10.