Coffee/espresso question.


Too cute for words
I didn't know where to put this, so it is here through indecision. I didn't think coffee alchemy really belonged in Science and Technology.:D Okay, here's the deal. When I was in college, I used to drink espresso and mocha. After I dropped out (to play in a bar band full time) I got out of the habit and started drinking beer (I don't suppose anyone on this forum can relate to drinking beer). In any case, the other day I picked up a Mr. Coffee espresso maker at a yard sale for five bucks. Looks like it has never been used. The espresso is pretty good (had to improvise a tamper) but I have no idea how to make mocha. I know it involves good quality cocoa, sugar (nutra-sweet, I'm diabetic) and your basic steamed milk, but I'll just be guessing at proportions unless someone can give me a leg up on this. Anyone have a clue?
unc said:
How long have you been a diabetic? How harsh?
Known about it for 2.5 years. No insulin, just pills big enough to choke Linda Lovelace (there's a subreference form the past).
I don't really care about it being instant, usually hot cocoa and espresso is sweeter than mocha should be. I'm probably being picky, but the coffee shop at Annabelle Taylor Hall used to make great mocha. Thanks though.:D
Shouldn't this thread be in the Kitchen & Small Appliances aisle? :headbang:
I dunno, but it sure don't fit under "fury, this broke", "fury, can we have this", or "STEEEEEEEEEEEEVE", so I'mma have to move it to the LL :D
Thanks, dude! BTW, thanks to the ever wonderful World Wide Web (and Google, of course) I think I have it figured out.:D

P.S. Drinking espresso doesn't make you a lunatic, but it can make you act like one.