

molṑn labé
Staff member
I've been investigating the amazing similarities between now & 1939, pre-WW2.

There is a lot of crap to dig thru & I heard a commentary today, supposedly published on but I can't find it.

It purported that France, after Germany invaded Poland, voted for disarmament and against agression. This was after Britains great diplomat decided he was wrong...

other interesting goodies:
Ninety-seven percent of these men answered "no" to the question: "Do you personally favor the entrance of the United States into the war?"

Gallup Poll, 1939
not what I'm after but it's close enough for now

M. Georges Bonnet, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the French Republic and M. Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the German Reich,

ACTING in the name and by order of their respective Governments, have agreed on the following points at their meeting in Paris on December 6, 1938:

(1) The French Government and the German Government fully share the conviction that pacific and neighbourly relations between France and Germany constitute one of the essential elements of the consolidation of the situation in Europe and of the preservation of general peace. Consequently both Governments will endeavour with all their might to assure the development of the relations between their countries in this direction.

(2) Both Governments agree that no question of a territorial nature remains in suspense between their countries and solemnly recognize as permanent the frontier between their countries as it is actually drawn.

(3) Both Governments are resolved, without prejudice to their special relations with third Powers, to remain in contact on all questions of importance to both their countries and to have recourse to mutual consultation in case any complications arising out of these questions should threaten to lead to international difficulties.

In witness whereof the Representatives of the two Government have signed the present Declaration, which comes into force immediately.

Executed in duplicate in the French and German languages at Paris, on December 6, 1938.

Signed: Georges Bonnet,

Joachim Von Ribbentrop.

note the date
You could back those dates up even further, I'd wager. The french have always been all mouth.

Great French Military figures:
1: Joan d'Arc. Burned as an example of what not to repeat.

Hmmm. Anyone notice a pattern?
I've been investigating the amazing similarities between now & 1939, pre-WW2.
I've been thinking all along that it could be WWIII. Here's how it goes:
U.S.A attacks Iraq to get Saddam out of there.
Turks attack Kurds (Does everyone know the Turks hate the Kurds? Okay.)
North Korea attacks South Korea (conventional weapons only, they want the south).
India or Pakistan (pick one) decides no one is looking and lobs a nuke at the other.
The other responds in kind.
Some trigger happy North Korean patriot thinks "the U.S.A is attacking us" and pulls the trigger.

I hope most of us live through it.

Please note: This may be a paranoid delusion, but thirty+ years of watching diplomacy in action has made me very afraid that no one will be able to stop it.
I see a break at the India/Pakistan area. We are all over Pakistan as a staging base for getting to Afghanistan. They are never far from mind these days.
I can see the Pakistan thing happening only under the following circumstances:

a. Iraq turns into a 80's Afghanistan scenerio causing diisent, uprising and coup by fundamentalist muslims in Pakistan or

b. Israel attacks Iran causing the same situationin Pakistan.

The North Korea situation hardly needs much imagination.