Computer going too fast!


New Member
I've never had this happen to me before. I mean, I've heard of computers losing time and going slow but never too fast!

Just a few minutes ago, I was getting ready to play Diablo. I turned on iTunes and loaded the game. But when I got in, my character was zipping across the screen at double the speed than usual. I thought, WOW! That skill upgrade did great! Then I realized that everyone else in the game was moving just as fast.

So I exited the game, thinking the server was buggy. But found that everything else in the computer was faster than normal too. Task Manager was fast, even the system clock. Instead of the numbers changing each second, they were changing at a 1/2 second and then sometimes after 2 seconds.

I just rebooted and now I'm looking at the clock and it's normal except for every 4th or 5th second, it hesitates for more than one second.

I've been having a problem for about six months where my second hard drive isn't always recognized while booting. I just restart the computer and it finds it the second time. I bought a new hard drive just in case and backed everything up but now I'm wondering if that is another symptom of a bigger problem.

I'm running a virus scan now, nothing of consequence is in Event Viewer, no new software loaded lately, my temps are within normal limits. So what do you think, CMOS battery? Have you ever seen this before? This is weird.

Maybe I'll install the OS on the new drive and take the second one out of commission. I planned on doing it anyway, I just hate having to reload everything.

Any suggestions would be appreciated! Mobo is about a year old.
That's really odd. Go into bios setup and watch the clock, if it is ok in there then you have a software problem, if it behaves wrong then it is likely that the mobo is dying.
I've seen it happen when a battery first starts to go bad.
If they start shorting, they can slightly over volt themselves.
It may start losing time shortly.
I'd replace it anyway.