Computer Stupidites

:lol2: Ya gotta love these stories...

True story...My ex isn't what you'ld call the sharpest knife in the drawer...First time we had a cassett player with 'Auto-Reverse', she watched it as side one came to an end. When side two started playing, she jumped back in amazement, saying "I didn't even see it turn over. This thing is really FAST!" :eek5:
much to my chagrin, i am prolly as inept when it comes to this computer as some of those people. everybody has to start somewhere, i guess and at least we make life amusing for the rest of you.
Thats what makes them funny tonks...We can all remember when computers were alien to us and how we may have thought the same as some of those in the stories...:D
god dammit, that Tech Support dude is one of em that call the case the "cpu" :/ justl ike my high school teachers, I hate that.
tonks said:
much to my chagrin, i am prolly as inept when it comes to this computer as some of those people. everybody has to start somewhere, i guess and at least we make life amusing for the rest of you.

i used to think i knew a fair amount about computers. till i started hanging out here...
I've had a computer longer than I've had pubic hair. I started with a TI1000, reading tapes off a cassette recorder, and printing code to a adding machine style printer. I can't ever recall not having one. Hell, I still have my first calculator. A monsterous thing taking AA batteries, and with a LED display. It still gets 2+2 right.
Kewl...I've still got my TI 99 from 1981...saving to casset was a bitch. :D But it was amazing at the time.
Oldest thing I got is a AT&T PC6300 8088 with a kick ass 640K of RAM. POS couldn't keep time to save it's life.
I've been working with them since the mid 80's & never had a reason to own one because they were overpriced word processors. Sorry guys, but the snake around the room game is on my cell phone now :D

Once I could get something that booted in less than half an hour, I decided it was time.
Professur said:
Doh. It wasn't a TI. It was a Timex Sinclair 1000. I had the 16K rampak for it too.
That thing must've had some oomph at the time! The first 'pc' I ever had was an Amstrad 464 way back in 1992. It was cool at the time....640k RAM tape drive, cartdridge drive, colour 15" monitor. I :heartred: that thing
First computer?

Mine was a sinclair ZX81 :blush: 1k ram with a 16k expansion pack :D

Many happy hours of programming the thing in BASIC and many screams of frustration as the thing would wipe out all my work if I accidentally knocked the table :cuss:

I then progressed to the funky rubber-keyed ZX Spectrum, bought a game called Manic Miner and never looked back :)

Oh wasted youth.......where art thou now?
K62 said:
god dammit, that Tech Support dude is one of em that call the case the "cpu" :/ justl ike my high school teachers, I hate that.
Duh, everyone knows that's the Hard Drive, not the CPU.....