Condi for President


molṑn labé
Staff member
I love this woman.

But Senator Boxer, we went to war not because of aluminum tubes. We went to war because this was the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of a man against whom we had gone to war before, who threatened his neighbors, who threatened our interests, who was one of the world's most brutal dictators. And it was high time to get rid of him, and I'm glad that we're rid of him.

Transcript of the Boxer vs Rice fight on Capitol Hill.
The more I hear from Ms. Rice, the better I like her. I would have zero problem right now voting for her for president.
I do like condi, however,... I would hate to have someone come at me in 3 years and say.... "you flip-flopping bastich, you used to support condi -- you can't make up your mind"
ResearchMonkey said:
I do like condi, however,... I would hate to have someone come at me in 3 years and say.... "you flip-flopping bastich, you used to support condi -- you can't make up your mind"

Precisely why I added the caveat, "right now".

Politicians change their mind more often than their undies it seems. She'll make her share of screw-ups before she's done with politics. She'll also make some great decisions along the way. So long as they outnumber the screw-ups, she'll be fine.

I have a gut feeling about who the GOP nominee in 2008 will be. I think he is being carefully led along a fast track, with just enough media exposure to keep his name fresh, while also being shielded enough to avert any potential scandal ala Gary Hart et al. I could be wrong, but I think we'll be seeing a whole lot of Bill Frist in a few years.
We went to war because this was the threat of weapons of mass destruction

Huh? :shrug:

Note that I like her to, and they should simply confirm her, they're going to anyway.