conditioner thief strikes again


New Member
i was in the shower this morning, rinsing the shampoo from my hair ... and then i noticed it ... my missing conditioner. i have a 3/4-full bottle of shampoo & no conditioner.

damn. the thief strikes again. oh, he's been dormant for a few years. i thought he disappeared to steal conditioners in lands far away, but it seems he's back.
HomeLAN said:
No, he spent a couple years training your children. Checked their rooms, yet?

Ah! He's starting them young ... the oldest is 2 and the youngest is 10 months.

Damn that thief!
erm...have you asked your husb...
maybe I better not say anything.

*slips out*
I was soooooooooo angry when I solved my mystery :D

then I started buying, along with the one I used, the big honkin bottles of Dep conditioner for $2 :lol:
Fill up a dummy bottle with Nair and then wait for the screams in the dead of night ... AIIIIIGHH ... I'm bald!! Thus the scoundrel is revealed.
unclehobart said:
Fill up a dummy bottle with Nair and then wait for the screams in the dead of night ... AIIIIIGHH ... I'm bald!! Thus the scoundrel is revealed.

Isn't her hubby bald anyways??

*wonders why a bald hubby would need conditioner anyway*

never before have i heard of this secondary use for conditioner and frankly, it kinda gave me the willies.
maybe he/she read this article in Glamour magazine lol

Is This Why We Lather, Rinse and Repeat?

Add it to the long list of outrageous sales-boosting ploys masked as "research." According to the April 2001 Glamour, shampoo-peddler Pantene suggests that women who condition their hair have better sex lives.

Pantene's survey claims that 51% of women who condition their hair daily get laid on the regular, while just 31% of women who skip the stuff are getting steady a$$.

Is it the way we work the lather into the ends? The vigorous scalp-rubbing motion? And does this mean that women with dry hair — the kind that begs for conditioning — are more likely to beg for sex? ....