Consider the source


molṑn labé
Staff member
While I like the findings of this study, the associated university is suspect.

A new study on the effects of preschool on children, which finds attendance harms kids' emotional and social development, is being used by a homeschool organization to help encourage parents to educate their children at home.

The study, conducted at UC Berkeley, found that while youngsters gained cognitive abilities via the preschool experience, behavioral problems also increased – especially among kids from wealthy families.

"The biggest eye-opener is that the suppression of social and emotional development, stemming from long hours in preschool, is felt most strongly by children from better-off families," said UC Berkeley sociologist and study co-author Bruce Fuller.

On average, the report finds that the earlier a child enters a preschool center, the slower his or her pace of social development, while cognitive skills in pre-reading and math are stronger when children first enter a preschool program between the ages of 2 and 3.

I'm wondering what was ever wrong with a good old fashioned spanking, reading to your little ones, teaching one's children by example, and more.
I am PROUD to say that my daughter is a Master's Degreed Physician's Assistant and my son is a PHD Director of his department at UCSUSA.
Raising kids has a lot of work built in, so DO IT. JMO

Hey Allears, I've missed you and hope all is well. PURRR