Considering getting a wax...


New Member
...job done on my bikini line, as I'm sick of shaving "down there" every feckin' two days. Coupla things: has anyone here had it done? How do you minimise the pain? How long does the hair have to be for it to be long enough to get yanked out? Questions I should ask the salon before booking?
i wonder how long it lasts? is it worth the money and the pain? i'd be willing to have it waxed if i didn't have to shave for like 2 weeks.
Les, I've tried the depils, and IMO, they're worse than shaving. The hair seems to grow back quicker, whereas with shaving, at least you get it smoother for a bit longer.

Tonks, I guess I can be your guinea pig. ;)
Would it be worth it to do some kind of electrolysis and zap the folicles once and for all? Its time consuming and costly ... but lasts supposedly nigh on forever.
Possibly at some stage, but it'd have to be done in sections or something, as that's a lot of hair to remove, a follicle at a time. :shrug:
Hmm...well you should post pictures of it as it is now and then get it done and post pictures of those.

Like a before and after of sorts.

Do that with every different hair removal process and post pictures. We'll give you our best educated guess......that goes for any other female here thinking about getting it waxed down there.
I think theres also a method with dermal lasers that would probably be a decent option. Lord knows it would be quicker.
or you could do what Hindu nuns do.....pull out the hair strand by strand as to not hurt any precious creatures living there.
unclehobart said:
Let it grow wild! The 70's shall live again! Work it into a fro!

Could not imagine that with me. Landing strip for planes here. :lol2:

Never forget the time I tried "Nair" there..... :eek13:
It can get expensive depending on where you go. Are you getting a bikini line wax or a brazilian? THe brazilian costs more and is a bit more ouchie. It is VERY much worth it though. Your hair needs to be about a quarter of inch long before waxing it but not too much longer than that. Take a lot of Tylenol about 30 minutes to an hour before the procedure. Or if someone else is driving you can try a stronger pain killer as long as you are able to partcipate in the activity. With a brazilian, you have to move around a few times for the technician to properly get EVERYTHING waxed.

I think that about covers it. :D I hope this helps.
tonksy said:
what's a brazilian? you get a pina colada and a bottle of suntan oil?

No, they don't give you anything like that and they take EVERYTHING you have...[whispers]down there[/whispers]
BeardofPants said:
Originally Posted by Last Karma message
WE WANTS PICS!!! -all of humanity

*did someone call for "the " smilie whore
PrincessLissa said:
I think that about covers it. :D I hope this helps.

Thanks Lissa. :) I'm getting a full bikini wax - that is mostly removed except for a bit on the pubis, so basically what I already have. I guess I'll have to grow out the pubes a bit more before I can get it done though. How long does it normally take to get the hairs long enough? Coupla weeks?
Oh har har, gato. *handonhip

Anyway, today I went down and made my appointment. I initially went to a salon that was running a "summer special" to ask my questions, but the receptionist didn't speak a word of english (asian), and when I asked her how long the hair had to be before it could be ripped out, she told me 5cm. o_O I'm thinkin' to myself, who the fuck grows their pubes THAT long?! Something tells me that we got our wires crossed.... Anyway, once I'd removed myself post-haste from that clinic, I found one a bit closer to me, and the ladies there were MUCH more reassuring! (Well, they weren't telling me to grow my pubes 5cm long!) So yep, I'm pencilled in tomorrow, so if you never hear from me ever again, you'll know it was cos the pain killed me.... :blank: