

New Member
Who's got 'em? How much of a PITA is it, sticking something in your eye? What are the pro's & con's, cost, maintenance?

I'm thinking about getting them. I don't hate my glasses but I'm tired of them. Whenever I wear my clip on sunglasses, they slide down my nose because they're too heavy. But if I tighten them on my head, they give me a headache.

And because of the size and shape of my glasses, when I turn and look in my blind spot in the car, I can't see through the lens so it's all blurry. Not safe.

Oh and if I do get contacts, I might get what I always wanted... green eyes. :D :dance:
My sis use them, she still has her glasses 'cause he gets some irritation of contacts after using them for long periods in the day.

The contact cleaning product is not expensive, so the cost is basically the contacts themselves and something around US$10 every 2 months or so.

are you doing this for comfort, or just for the green eyes? :D
I decided to try contacts several years ago. I don't wear glasses on a regular basis, but at the time I was driving from Huntsville to Nashville everyday for work and thought it would ease the stress of all that driving (2 hours each way). Between the constant construction zones (dust) and having them in for 12 hours at a time, it didn't last long. I could feel the contact fold up in my eye when I blinked sometimes. I also drink alcohol fairly regularly which makes me somewhat dehydrated. I gave up on them after 3-4 months.

btw - my g/f talked me into getting green tinted contacts and I have green/hazel eyes already.......I looked like frog boy :eek13:
greenfreak said:
I might get what I always wanted... green eyes. :D :dance:

Been thinking about that for a while myself actually.. have perfect vision but am planning on getting both correction-less frames and green-tinted contacts to throw in a bit of variety here and there.. :cool:
I've been wanting to get contacts for a while now too, I'll probably get them before the end of summer if I ever manage to remember to set an appointment with the eye doctor.

btw, who is that in your avatar greenfreak?
i got some a couple of months back, took me a short while to get used to putting them in and taking them out but its not a problem now.

its costing me about 20quid a month but i have a fiddly prescription, i wear them most days but the recent hayfever season meant its not been 7 days a week.

i get 12h a day in them, monthly disposable soft lenses. i still wear my glasses in the evenings but sometimes plan ahead so i can wear the lenses later if i'm going out.

they've been pretty good but i find my left eye gets easily narked with the lens in and staring at a comp screen all day isn't the best thing. it's certainly worth trying out - this summer i went and bought sunglasses for the first time, its wierd how a little thing like that actually felt important :)
I used to wear them on stage, but you can't really ride a motorcycle with them (even with a full face helmet) for the reasons alex mentioned. When I stopped playing in bars I went back to wearing glasses. It was no big deal either way, although they do take some getting used to.
Luis-mostly for the comfort and convenience. But that whole green-eye thing has been something I've thought about for a long time. My Mom, sister and nephew all have green eyes and I've always been jealous. :)

"Frog Boy" (Pad) ;)-I was afraid of stuff like that, having them irritate and fold up or fall out or something. That was the second part of my fear... The first was that I wouldn't be able to put them in my own eye. I can't even put eyedrops in my eyes without flinching.

a13-you hear of that a lot, people wearing them for looks than for neccessity. On men, I like the small round or oval glasses with no frames. Not John Lennon types, but close.

Wiener-why, that's ME of course. :brow:

ris-yet other things I didn't know. I didn't know you could only get 12 hours. I knew a guy who used to drink at night and then sleep with them in. He said he couldn't open his eyes one morning. :eek:

And allergies didn't used to bother my eyes, more my nose, but for some reason this year, I've found myself rubbing my eyes a lot. I guess I would break myself of that habit quick if I was wearing contacts.

chcr-I don't have a lot of situations like that where I couldn't wear them. Unless I pull an Ace Ventura while driving. ;)

K62-the outside of my eye is a dark blue ring, then as you go towards the middle light blue and right around my pupil it gets really light and sometimes yellow.

The green contacts I had seen in the past were garish. I don't want anything intentionally unrealistic. I want people who don't know me to think they're really my color. I think they would look nice with my fair skin, freckles, and red hair.
I used to know this girl who was very fair complected (?) with red hair and medeterainian blue eyes....we called her Miss America.
I wear glasses for driving and watching films etc. Sometimes wear them out as well for that "studious" look, LOL.

Also got some one-a-day disposable contacts which I use very occasionally - they were most useful when I was skiing because it meant not having to fork out for a prescription mask in order to check out the sights.

You get used to putting them in/taking them out pretty quickly. Took me about a week before I fully supressed that "ARGH! THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY EYE!!!" feeling, I guess. If you don't wear them for a while you have to re-adjust again.

Falling asleep with contacts in ain't great - you wake up with your eyes glued together by crusty bogeys. Likewise, if you wear them for longer than recommended (8-10 hours usually) they start to get pretty irritating.

I want "blackout" contacts. Very cool. :cool:

Ditch those glasses. Contacts are so much better. I couldn't stand glasses after a while, contacts were so comfortable in comparison.

I wear contacts a lot - 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. I use the monthly disposables, and have been for about 6 years now.

I've never had any problems with them - just make sure your fingernails are kept short, and you shouldn't get a risk of infection.

Lol yeah, falling asleep in contacts isn't nice, ick.

Definately worth a trial Greenfreak, don't give up trying to get them in tho. When I first started, it'd take me about 15 mins cos I was so sensitive about touching my eyes. Now it usually takes around a minute.
I've worn contacts for over 10 years now. I don't even have a pair of glasses at the moment but I'm going to get another pair soon.

Glasses get dirty too often and give me headaches. So I usually wear my contacts most of the day and then just take them out an hour or two before I go to bed and wear glasses then.

Right now though since I don't have a set of glasses the only pain is that I like to fall asleep on the couch watching tv sometimes and it sucks sleeping with contacts in.

If you get them go for the comfortable disposables.
well, greenie, i wear both glasses and contacts, and here's my opinion :D

usually, i wear my glasses. they're great, i love 'em. i also had prescription sunglasses, until i lost them. i loved them too. the great thing about contacts is that you can wear regular sunglasses with them. also, when i'm dancing on stage, glasses are not an option, so i have to wear contacts. but for the most part, i'm too lazy in the mornings to take the extra 5 minutes to put my contacts on :D

right now i have soft lenses, they're much more comfortable than hard lenses. the bitch of it is, though, the few occasions that i happen to "lose" them in my eye. they're a bitch to find and get out, for me anyway :shrug:

i had hard lenses for about a year. they were the type you would wear to sleep and they would "fix" the curve of your eyeball and miraculously make you have better than 20/20. they really worked too, i could see better than ever while i used them, the only problem is that you would feel like you had sand in your eye all night long, and the ONE time i had problems taking them out is when i scratched the surface of my eye with the contact - after which i couldn't open that eye for 24 hours - and so i was over it and never put them in my eye again.

well, i hope that helps :D
I can't wear contacts, I have glasses for driving and watching TV. Most of the time I wear them when using the computer too because they are anti-glare, but since my last prescription change I have to take them off to read or do anything really close up eg less than 18 inches. I also have a pair of prescription sunglasses with 75% tinted lenses for outdoors.
should note greenie that there are contacts available that are for day and night use so that you can sleep in them. i am sure there are limits as to how long that can be done for and the price is adjusted accordingly but they are out there.

you find that most contacts are slightly bluish tinted so that they are visible if you drop them. it didn't do much to my eye-colour, which is still mainly green-ish.