Cooter don't like it...


Too cute for words
Evidently, Crazy Cooter don't like the new Dukes of Hazzard flick.
Ben Jones, a former Georgia congressman who played the wisecracking mechanic on the popular series from 1979-85, said profanity and sexual content in the film make a mockery of the family friendly show.

Oh sorry my mistake yer one of them nutz that throws his vote away and feels smug aboot it, Huh?

No matter what happens yer covered.
Returning to the topic at hand, if that's allowed here... :D

I won't see this, or any other, movie in the theatre. I have a problem with paying eight bucks for the priviledge of sitting in a smoke-free environment for two hours with no control over who is near me or how much perfume/cologne they have slathered on simply for the "experience". I will probably rent the DVD when it comes out. Partly for entertainment, and partly to see just how badly they butcher: A) the original TV series, and B) Southern culture as a whole.

If the movie is profanity-laced, which for the record does not bother me, I will be disappointed because the original series was fairly family friendly. If it turns out to be little more than a two-hour showcase of Jessica Simpson's body, that won't offend me but it will disappoint me for the same reason. If it indulges in all the same old tired stereotypes that even the TV show was somewhat guilty of, I will not be surprised. I expect it. I am prepared to take the movie for what it is....entertainment. And we all know what sells in movies these days. Since the writers would have a hard time writing a hobbit or a pre-teen sorcerer or something into the script, they have to go back to the tried and true formula of sex and profanity, with at least a little violence thrown in.
Hey SnP, I'm on board with you! Sex, violence and profanity don't offend me because of the content...they offend me because those elements require almost NO creative tought. But it sells. Go capitalism.
Burt Renolds as J.D. Hogg??? Wasn't Danny Devito availible? I think I'll find something to do that day.
Yeah, they coulda cast the movie a little better. Willie Nelson might make an interesting Uncle Jesse. Larry The Cable Guy should have been Cooter in the movie. DeVito could never pull off Boss Hogg...wrong accent.
I dunno. He's pretty slick with accents. He can change it about when it suits him. It's just that he's always cast for that nasal drawl.
I outgrew the series when I was about 10. Why would I fork over 6 bucks for the movie?

As for Cooter, we've been largely ignoring his ass in local politics for years now. I guess we have a chance to do it again on another topic.
Something about that show I never quite got. The 'boys' weren't allowed guns because they were on probation, or summat like that. But they ran about with dynamite taped to arrows, and that was ok?
Professur said:
Something about that show I never quite got. The 'boys' weren't allowed guns because they were on probation, or summat like that. But they ran about with dynamite taped to arrows, and that was ok?
That was fer Suthan fishin' dontcha know...

Dy-no-mite catches and filets all in one action.
She has a face???

Heard ol' Cooter on the radio last night. Something about I Love Lucy being redone with Lucy as a Crackwhore.
Inkara1 said:
Does anyone besides me think Jessica Simpson has an ugly face?
and she's blonde! hello! blonde? daisy? i don't think so! burt reynolds as boss hog? you gotta be pulling my leg! john goodman would have been perfect were he a foot shorter. i will not see this movie.
*this coming from a waitress who received a model of the general lee as a tip.