Cops: Gal Flushed Beau's Genitals


New Member
Shell said investigators determined that the two had argued over a pending break-up.

At some point, the pair decided to have sexual relations and the man agreed to have his arms tied to a window handle above their bed.

Shell said the woman pulled out a kitchen knife, severed the man's penis and flushed it down the toilet.,2933,148207,00.html

:alienhuh: If he is that stupid he deserves to be removed from the breeding program. IMO
Good god!!

I saw on the front page Gal flushed Beau's...

and I thought the testicles thing happened again. and then I way. But it's almost worse!! :sick2:
Whoa! Not me, I've never registered at HWC.

He has only one post since 10-30-04

Hmmm odd indeed.

Rather funny though...
Its a good ad for the window maker. I want to know who makes windows handles that can withstand a grown male in full fight or flight thrash mode under an adrenal sure to get away from bodily harm... cause I wanna buy 'em. A window like that should last for 75 years.