Could this day get any worse


Major contributor!
I spent seven odd hours on the phone with three different phone companies trying to fix a probelm. I'm tired and I want a cup of coffee. Sooooo I meander on over ot the coffee pot and start brewin' some. Oh but wait, did you know that you have to empty the coffee pot out of the old coffee before you start brewing a new pot or else the coffee will flow over the top of the coffee maker, running down all over the place and in the process shorting out one of the fucking phones that didn't work all damn day, ruining the set of Disk Commander floppies I just made yesterday and getting into the CD jacket with all my work CD's in it, thus requiring me to make everything again.

Could it possibly get any worse? :fuckit:
shhhhhhhhh if you ask that it will for sure!!! *peepwall*

Make a niiiiiiiiiiice clean pot of coffee, put your feet up, flip on the tv...and relaaaaaaaaaaaaaax. It'll aaaaaaaaaaall be better in the morning.
Oh come on. Get the video camera, film a few seconds worth, post it up here and let the fine gentlemen here decide. :D
quityerbitchin'. You spoke to me, long distance, what more could you ask :D
Is there a Kwik E Mart-type place near you that sells coffee in really big cups? Maybe you shoudl forget about the coffee maker for today and just buy a big-ass cup o' Joe.