Couple things wrong with this...


New Member
A Kentucky college student has hired a lawyer after she was escorted out of a mall by security on Sunday because her dress was deemed too short, MyFOXBoston reports.,2933,403146,00.html

According to MyFOXBoston, the guard informed her that several female patrons had complained that she was disrupting their shopping experience because their husbands were “checking her out.”

So if this was on the street they would have called the city police instead of a divorce lawyer??:laugh5:

“I want to speak for everybody else who has been discriminated against but has never said anything,” she told the Register. “I want them to apologize and let them know that in this day and age, a woman has a right to wear what she wants.”

Yeah like a couple of Asshats makes it Discrimination :rolleyes:

Hope these women don't let their husbands near a beach :eek6:
I hope that isn't the dress. It's not that short.

As for the idiots...hit your husbands with your purse & tell him to stop being a male.
Security-get a clue.
Honey-babe- quit watering down the language, you're making it hard on those with real problems. Go to another mall.
eastern kentucky. yep. seems proper to mention inbreeding here. yep. maybe she looked too much like somebody's niece, that somebody got all hot and bothered, couldn't handle it, and complained.
The thing that was most strange about this was she bought the dress at that same mall the day before.

Here is the VIDEO LINK to the FoxNews segment on this. No one seemed to think the dress was too short.
The thing that was most strange about this was she bought the dress at that same mall the day before.

Here is the VIDEO LINK to the FoxNews segment on this. No one seemed to think the dress was too short.
That mall probably has a Lingerie store too,so just because she bought it there is moot IMO.She is a 20 yr old women ,so I think the women with the Husbands are the ones at fault.
Women are their own worst oppressors. They complain about how hard it is to get ready to go out, and when pressed as to why, it is so the other women won't ostricise them.