Court cases of the Incredible


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Russian hairdresser turns stickup merchant into sex slave

Robber taken to the floor, then just taken

A workaday armed robbery at a Russian hairdressers turned into a three day sex ordeal for the would-be stickup merchant, leaving him with torn genitals and a viagra hangover.

The man, only known as Viktor, attempted to turn over a hairdresser in the small town of Meshchovsk on March 14 Russia Today reports. The owner, a 28 year old called Olga, agreed to handover the day's takings while employees and customers cowered in fright.

Unfortunately for Viktor, Olga was trained in Karate. As she was handing over the cash she struck him in the chest, before taking him to the ground and trussing him up with a hairdryer cord.

Olga then locked Viktor in the shop's utility room before telling colleagues she would call the police and then dismissing them.

However, she clearly thought better of it, deciding instead to strip the robber before handcuffing him to the radiator with a pair of pink frilly lined handcuffs. She then plied him with viagra and "raped" him numerous times over the following four days.

A tired and sore Viktor was finally released three days later, heading straight to the hospital for treatment for a torn frenulum. He then went to the police to report Olga for "actions of a sexual nature".

Shocked police then arrested Olga, who promptly reported Viktor for robbery.

“What a bastard,” Olga complained. “Yes, we had sex a couple of times. But I’ve bought him new jeans, gave him food and even gave him 1,000 roubles when he left.”

Apparently Viktor confirmed that he had been fed "royally" by the no-nonsense coiffeuse.

Olga and Viktor are both now apparently on charges, and hard time will no doubt be on the agenda when the cases finally reach court. ®

You know... I'm amused and disgusted at the same time. He went to rob the place and suffered rape instead... is it because he is a male that I am not horrified? Or is it because he went to take what wasn't his and got taken instead? I'm not sure.

Had this been a woman would I have the same feelings of amusement at the turn-around? Wow... you know... I think I would. Crime begets crime.
Nurse Lovelace gives hardened lag 55-hour stiffy

Ex-con sues for 'irreparable' todger injuries

By Lester Haines • Get more from this author

A US former convict is suing for unspecified damages after prison nurse Judith Lovelace's tender ministrations provoked a 55-hour erection which left his todger "irreparably injured", the New York Post reports.

Career crim Dawud Yaduallah, formerly David Hanley, claims the unsolicited hardening happened in March 2006 at the Downstate Correctional Facility in Fishkill, New York. He was serving time on an assault conviction when Lovelace allegedly upped his dose of anti-psychotic drug Seroquel* by 25 per cent.
Click here to find out more!

Cue three days of persistent and painful erections, during which the priapic jailbird presented himself at the infirmary, to be dismissed by Lovelace with the advice he apply ice to his hideously empurpled member. Hospital treatment finally subdued his staff.

Yaduallah was parolled in September last year, and has presented his case in Manhattan federal court protesting Lovelace's "cruel and uncivilized conduct". He claims to have suffered "severe damage to his penis, including erectile dysfunction, inability to ejaculate and pain during sexual intercourse".

The plaintiff further insists he needs a penile prosthesis "to possibly restore some sexual function" while his condition has "caused difficulty in his marriage".

Yaduallah's lawyer, Elmer Keach III, said: "The medical literature is clear that if you see a doctor within 24 hours, you generally won't have any permanent damage. He didn't see a doctor for over two days."

Lovelace retired from the prison system in 2007, and couldn't be reached for comment. ®

*Further described by the manufacturer as a "mood-stabilizing medication approved by the FDA to treat both the highs and lows of bipolar disorder".

"It seems that Demetrious Soupolos 29, and his former beauty queen wife, Traute, ..."

Sounds fishy to me.
"Olga and Viktor are both now apparently on charges, and hard time will no doubt be on the agenda when the cases finally reach court."

He'll get turned around when he gets to prison and he won't need any Viagra.
A MUSLIM waitress has been awarded £3,000 compensation after refusing to wear a tight-fitting work uniform - despite wearing low-cut tops on Facebook.

Fata Lemes, 33, was handed the payout even though a tribunal panel rejected her claim that the dress was "sexually revealing and indecent".

Miss Lemes, who worked at the Rocket Bar in Mayfair for eight days last year, said she was made to "feel like a prostitute," by the work outfit.

Cleavage ... Lemes wearing low-cut top

Cleavage ... Lemes wearing low-cut top

Tim Stewart

A photo of Miss Lemes on Facebook, however, showed her wearing a low cut T-shirt revealing her cleavage.

Rocket Bar managers had told staff that the loose-fitting uniform for female members of staff would change in the summer.

The new female outfit consisted of a sleeveless red dress of mid-thigh length.

She told an employment tribunal in central London the figure-hugging dress was "disgusting".


It branded her compensation claim of £20,000 including £17,500 for hurt feelings - 'manifestly absurd'.

But it awarded her £2,919.95 for hurt feelings and loss of earnings.

Pictures were then found of Miss Lemes wearing revealing clothing on Facebook.

Lawyers for Spring & Greene, the restaurant group that owns Rocket, highlighted the picture to the tribunal but it is not known whether the panel ever saw it before making their judgment.

Ms Lemes, who is a photographer and supplements her income with bar work, claimed she was propositioned by two men on her second shift, who were looking for "a blonde Scandinavian or Swedish girl for one or more nights".

She then told bosses she felt unable to wear the dress and it became clear neither side would compromise, the panel found.

It rejected her claims that she was sacked from the bar and that she fell prey to discrimination because she did not receive tips for the shifts she worked.

A panel found that Mrs Lemes had "views about modesty and decency which some might think unusual in Britain in the 21st century".

But it upheld her claim that bar owners Spring and Greene had discriminated against her on the grounds of her gender.

They said of the dress: "Plainly, it related to her sex. It was gender-specific. The respondents did not introduce a summer uniform for male waiting staff. Unlike the women, the men were not required to switch to brightly coloured, figure-hugging garb."

Forcing her to wear the dress if she wanted to continue working at the bar "violated her dignity", the panel decided, and created a "humiliating" environment.

The panel found: "Her perception was that wearing the dress would make her feel as if she was on show, as if she was being presented as one of the attractions which the Rocket Bar was offering its customers.


"In our view that perception was legitimate and not unreasonable. We are reinforced in this conclusion by the striking contrast between the dress and the dark, loose-fitting attire which would remain the men's uniform."

Ms Lemes was awarded £2,919.95 including interest, to cover compensation and wages owed. Her original claim of £17,500 was dismissed as "manifestly absurd".

The panel granted £3,000 compensation and £711.73 in wages, plus interest, giving a total of £3,893.26.

This was reduced by 25 per cent because the members found Ms Lemes's solicitor Joe Sykes did not set out the basis of grievance properly.

I was hard pressed which thread to post this one in. Here, or the Muslim on a bus thread. Equally disgusting behavior either way, IMO


See the source for photos. Frankly, that this dog face was even hired for a waitress position shows clearly to me that the employer was as fair and equal as possible.