Creepy alien photo


New Member
This sent chills up my spine:


Ed. note: Timothy D.-S. sent in this "reptilian" photo (close-up below) and the follwing enigmatic details:
About the photo...taken with a kodak camera...To begin with, a UFO appeared behind my home and business. Two customers asked "what's that?" A UFO I said...Looking at the UFO, I said that evidence was needed to show people that you are for real otherwise few would listen...Two weeks later, a customer walks-in and says keep the photo and he explains why.
1973 Two day abduction,1976,1998,1980.1989. In every incidence there were multiple abductees or witnesses.The details are extensive and hold important information for the true researcher(s). Locations: New Glouchester, Maine-Durham, Maine-North Greene, Maine-Dexter, Maine, and Pine Ridge, South Carolina.
--Timothy Mark DeVoe-Supovitz
A couple of years ago, when I was still captain of an offshore supply vessel, I was standing by at an oil rig about 160 miles offshore waiting for the rig to get a crane operator into the crane to unload the boat. It was about two hours before dawn. I let the boat drift and left the wheelhouse to stand outside and look at the stars.

I looked up, and something odd caught my eye. There weren't any flashing lights, just a dark, diamond shaped area in the sky that blanked out the stars behind it. At each of the four corners of the diamond shape was a steady white light slightly brighter than a star. I held my hand out at arm's length, and the object was a little bit bigger than my hand. It was moving very slowly across the sky.

Just about that time, the radio went nuts, and it was the rig calling the boat, saying "Captain, go outside and look up, do you see that?" I looked up at the rig, and there were several people standing along the rail pointing up at the object. My deckhand, who was down on the cargo deck, came running up the stairs, pointing at the object and crying. He was unable to speak, he was so frightened.

We all stood there transfixed, watching the object as it silently floated overhead and disappeared over the horizon. Strangely enough, nobody on my crew or any of the rig crew ever said another word about the incident. Not one word.

That was the one and only of many strange sightings offshore for which I still have been unable to think of a possible expanation.
That site seems to be a good source of UFO reports. I stumbled across it while searching for something completly unrelated. Normally I don't give much weight to such sightings, there are a lot of naturally occuring phenomena that could cause an observer to believe they were seeing alien spacecraft. And I've NEVER seen a photo of aliens or UFOs that I believed to be legitimate.

But what we saw that night was most definitely real, very large, and quite disturbing. WHATEVER the hell it was.
Inkara1 said:
Did someone take a picture of the alien's cock or something?

Yikes! It does look kinda like a wang. :eek:

Look closely at the full-size image and it looks like a figure facing to the right, with it's head turned to look over it's right shoulder.

Gives me the heebie-jeebies to look at it. :rolleyes:
[x-files rip]:alienhuh::alienhuh:I BELIEVE.:alienhuh::alienhuh:[/x-files rip]
Seriously, that sounds like some really interesting stuff. I'd love to see something like that irl...
Curse you! I'm home alone, it's dark out, thundering, and i just HAD to check out everything on that site! Scaaaaaaary.
I'm certain that the universe holds other forms of life, but I don't believe any of them are comming to out planet.
Luis G said:
I'm certain that the universe holds other forms of life, but I don't believe any of them are comming to out planet.

Earth is the Alabama of the Milky Way Galaxy. No one wants to come here unless they desperatly need gas.
That alien looks like he was mastrubating and then turned around while mastrubating to see if anyone was cumming..err..coming.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Earth is the Alabama of the Milky Way Galaxy. No one wants to come here unless they desperatly need gas.
:lol2: i've always referred to alabama as an armpit so i guess it holds true!