Crying over spilt milk


Well-Known Member
Just got a call from home. Everyone screaming at everyone else in the house, because of spilt milk.

V2.0 cut the tip of the bag too large.
V3.0 went to get a drink and poured half a quart of milk over the floor.
Milk under the fridge, stove, ruined the soda cartons, etc.

I wanna stay at work.
I hate those days. Leave work, dreading what you're going to find on the other end. Luckily, they're few and far between.
do you mean that your milk comes in a bag? weird :alienhuh:

my daughter cried over spilt milk yesterday too ... after i yelled at her for spilling it :D
kuulani said:
do you mean that your milk comes in a bag? weird :alienhuh:

my daughter cried over spilt milk yesterday too ... after i yelled at her for spilling it :D
All milk comes in a "bag" Ku'u. Trust me, I was raised on a farm. Goats and cows both have bags. We'll have to check with SnP about the relative exigencies of milking possums though. :brush:

in cartons it tastes like jugs it tastes like these it tastes like milk.

and you get to have pretty little milk jugs


and then there are the ones that crumple and end up on the floor and under the fridge. :grumpy:

Being that said bag is also made of plastic, why would that milk also not taste like plastic.

*fodly remembers the days of glass bottle milk with the cream on top and everything*
It just *doesn't*. There's a huge difference between jug milk and bag milk. Even milk of the same brand.
unclehobart said:
Being that said bag is also made of plastic, why would that milk also not taste like plastic.

*fodly remembers the days of glass bottle milk with the cream on top and everything*

*fondly remembers having to grab the big wooden spoon out of the dish drainer to stir the milk in the pitcher so the cream would be fully mixed (woe unto anyone who did not wash the big wooden spoon and put it back in the dish drainer)*

*Not so fondly remembers being told he was old enough to help with the milking (worth it though) :D*