Current Events

Did you pay as much attention to current events ten years ago as you do now?

  • Yes, I read several newspapers and watched various news programs trying to get a complete picture.

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • I watched local and national news, and read my local paper.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • I paid attention near elections or when there was something going on that was important to me.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I watched tv news spradically if at all, rarely or never read the newspaper.

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Are you kidding, I was busy trying to get sex!

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • I was too young to understand then.

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Too cute for words
Okay, here's a non-war one, just because I'm curious. Ten years ago the Gulf War had been over for a while, and we didn't have anything like the access to information that we have now. You had to actually read newspapers and watch tv to get your news. (Not to mention we were all ten years younger) Did you pay as much attention to current events as you do now?
BTW, mine was the second one, I was working full time and playing in a band five or six nights a week, it was all I had time for. Not sure I would have done more if I had had the time either. I hope I've covered the choices fairly completely.
I was just beginning to become an adult 10 years ago (30) so I watched CNN (before good cable news channels) & read the LA Times & NY Times & Washington Post. Boy, I'm glad I know better now :D

2nd choice...
not really. i was 13 then i wanted to impress the girls in my school(though at the time i was terrified of my school). mtv,video games, friends and school dances, adn music was all i really knew i paid attention so i knew some of whta was going on but i didnt know much else than waht the news said.
no i wasnt trying to get laid at that age. but of course it was the crush on the girl type of deal but i wasnt tryign to get laid at that point.
I had to go with number three. I've never been a big fan of TV news, unless there was something big going on. I've always preferred print media, and that choice wasn't in there.

Ten years ago I was just about to turn thirty... I'm not sure how much I was reading. There have been times when I perused the local newspaper pretty close and subscribed to a weekly magazine. But there have been other times when I've just read the op-eds and comics. I'm not sure what phase I was in then.

I know that during the first Gulf War I watched a lot of CNN, but that was a fluke, and it went away after the war. I only watch TV news when I want to stay on top of the story, and that doesn't happen very often.
I was 34...I chose #6...I think I may still be too young. Also, I mighta been drunk that year.
Lotta int'l news for me. That happens when you emmigrate. You spend a lotta time looking back where you came from.
Prof, do you follow Scottish news as closely now as then? I know my interest in CA & AZ events have tapered off some.
I was 24, but I was going for a masters. You pretty much need to stay informed under those circumstances.