Dammit! I just fell victim to Bugbear

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I'm an idiot! I just saved an attachment which I shouldn't have from an email entitled "Welcome to Outlook Express 5". I must have been asleep the file extention was .scr! It rang alarm bells but I didn't act on my gut instinct.

Fortunately my virus program intercepted it before I could open it and I was able to remove and delete it before any damage was caused although I had to reboot and it gave me one heck of a scare! :(

Just goes to prove that the software works so long as you keep it up to date - AVG 6.0 Free. :)
Glad you caught it.

I had it sent to me several times about 2 weeks ago, but it seems to have slowed down now. That may be because I spent some time drafting sharp replies to the senders.
I checked the registry as well to make sure it was all gone - I got a hell of a fright when AVG booted into dos. But fortunately I keep a backup image of my C drive on D drive just in case, but I didn't need to use it. Phew! :)

The thing that peed me off is that I was almost through encoding an mpeg1 when it happened so I'll have to start all over again later. :(
That bites. I've been fortunate enought to not get any of the nasty email viruses. My ISP just started scanning everything for me too about 2 months ago. Not sure if I like that or not, but :shrug: The only time I've gotten a virus was from downloading stuff I really shouldn't have been downloading in the first place, but Norton caught it then too before it could do any real harm. Only virus I had that stuck was on my old 286, the STONED virus. It was kinda cool, it would go a month or two, then come up on the screen "Your Computer is now Stoned" and it would get really slow, a reboot would take care of it for a month or two, so I didn't worry about it much, in fact I kinda figured it fit my personality rather well at the time. :D

HomeLAN, I've written a few of those myself, namely to people that have forwarded on the sulfnbak letter. Pissed off my sister-in-law real good when I called her a brainless twit.
LOL! My sister sent that one out to everyone she knew. She was a little unhappy when I made her send out a new one to every recipient explaining that she was an idiot and include instructions on how to extract it again.

The really funny thing is that a partner in our CPA firm did the same thing, and I made him do it too. That fool sent it to clients.