Damn TV tuner card


New Member
I bought a TV tuner card (too tired to get up at 7:30am to watch F1 races)last week & installed it on Saturday. Ever since I installed the included software I lost my network connection and it now takes over 7 mintues to boot from the XP welcome screen. Stupid me forgot to ghost the drive before I installed it.
Tech support said to run a sure clean program that will delete all of thier files(included in the install CD) and move the card to a diff port.
Too late when I want something done I want it done now. Got a HD from work and reinstalled all my software and got anther computer from work and put the video card in that. Now I have two computers, one to do our biz stuff and e-mails and the other is now a multimedia PC.
BTW never buy a Dell PC, they are the worst pieces of shit. We have had to replace so many due to caps blowing on the mainboard & a shitload more with bad power supplies.
I bought a TV tuner card (too tired to get up at 7:30am to watch F1 races)last week & installed it on Saturday. Ever since I installed the included software I lost my network connection and it now takes over 7 mintues to boot from the XP welcome screen. Stupid me forgot to ghost the drive before I installed it.
Tech support said to run a sure clean program that will delete all of thier files(included in the install CD) and move the card to a diff port.
Too late when I want something done I want it done now. Got a HD from work and reinstalled all my software and got anther computer from work and put the video card in that. Now I have two computers, one to do our biz stuff and e-mails and the other is now a multimedia PC.
BTW never buy a Dell PC, they are the worst pieces of shit. We have had to replace so many due to caps blowing on the mainboard & a shitload more with bad power supplies.
I agree on the Dell computer comment. However, I've always built my own computers (except the notebook) and have great success with them. They've never ever let me down because I know what parts are being put in them. Eh, well, except the motherboard I bought that had the pins mislabeled (damn, that wasted my time and pissed me off to no end).
The only reason I have 3 Dells at home is I get them for free from work. Now mind you they are not the latest and greatest but they work for what I need them for.