
Staff member
Can we bring Jeslek back for one day? PLEASE?

Thw Gourman Report (well respected rating system for Universities) may humble him a bit. :D

It only rates Engineering Schools withing Canada.

Here are some North American standings...

Notice that his precious Waterloo (which he just HAD to attend because it was the "best engineering school in Canada" and no other way good enough for him) doesn't appear on ANY list and Mac (which I went to cause I like the atmosphere and they are a respected school (i don't care about the absolute best) is on all them :D
Oh, I have him on MSN

If he was here though I could just post it and not seem bitchy. If I send it to him directly it'smore of a "neener, neener, neener"
Nixy said:
Oh, I have him on MSN

If he was here though I could just post it and not seem bitchy. If I send it to him directly it'smore of a "neener, neener, neener"

He should still be able to read it just not respond?or is he blocked from even getting into this site?BTW doesn't he deserve a neener neener for his reasons for attending his "precious Waterloo". :swing:
College is what you make of it. If you want to go to one school, go there. These rankings are for people who are into feeling better about themselves at the expense of others.

Oh, I won't go around braggin to my friends at Queen's because they chose their school for the same reasons I chose mine. He chose his because he couldn't settle for anythign less than rthe best and the killer is he only got in by pulling massive strings, he didn't have the grades.
rrfield said:
College is what you make of it. If you want to go to one school, go there. These rankings are for people who are into feeling better about themselves at the expense of others.


i agree i loved the schools ive been to since HS and college. i want to go to a school in NC that noone heard of and is really small so thatll be nice(im hoping) he can enjoy his school without the neener neener unless he bragged about it and rubbed it in every post
Nixy said:
he only got in by pulling massive strings, he didn't have the grades.

wow, if a uni allows that, then it gives something to talk about their reputation.
Luis G said:
wow, if a uni allows that, then it gives something to talk about their reputation.
You would think so, but unfortunately, several are like that. It's not what you know, but who you know.
PuterTutor said:
You would think so, but unfortunately, several are like that. It's not what you know, but who you know.
Try a private uni who is letting you go free if you work 10-20 hrs a week for them. Don't have to keep track of the time, and there may be months that go by which you don't work.

Try having the ability to transfer 40, 50, even 60 credit hours towards your major (meaning go to school elsewhere (community college, or somewhere easier) and transfer the credits and they'll all count)

Try having the said transferred credits count as a pass/fail, and thus a 4.0 gpa count per grade transferred in (so long as you passed the class). In other words, transfer in a class which you got a 60% in, and you'll get a Pass on your record AND get the full 4.0 credits for it.

My friend is in that situation.
:rofl4: Wasn't it JesLek who jumped on me for questioning the legitimacy of Bush's degrees? As if colleges were above reproach....and he pulled strings to get into the one he wanted....this is too much...
Is there something about Jeslek that I dont know that'll let him pull said strings? Son of a politician or something?
No he just biotches a lot and makes them tired of hearing it

He was in a different program there (not engineering) and basically told them to let him in engineering or else he was going to the states
Squiggy said:
:rofl4: Wasn't it JesLek who jumped on me for questioning the legitimacy of Bush's degrees? As if colleges were above reproach....and he pulled strings to get into the one he wanted....this is too much...

yea that was him
PuterTutor said:
You would think so, but unfortunately, several are like that. It's not what you know, but who you know.

That kind of things are not likely to happen in my school, unless they are the son of some director or teacher, and still they have to go through the testing process and comply with certain level of knowledge and abilities. That's why my career has the best level of all the technological institues (SEP) in the country.

IMO, any school that allows that is not a good one. If they do such things, who knows what else they are doing in other ares.
People think it's the best cause it has the highest entrance average, it has the highest entrance average cause SO many people apply, SO many people apply cause some doofus started the idea that it's the best in Canada (which based on MANY rating systems is not true)