Dan was only half the problem


molṑn labé
Staff member
They still can't stay out of trouble

CBSNews.com's draft Schiavo obit found on Internet

Associated Press
Posted March 30 2005, 4:28 PM EST

TAMPA -- A draft of CBSNews.com's obituary for Terri Schiavo mistakenly appeared on the Internet for a few hours, a network official said Wednesday.

The incomplete story did not appear on the network's Web site, but it could be found by an Internet search engine because it was inadvertently saved in an online file, said CBSNews.com news director Mike Sims.

Sims said the draft was saved late Monday and removed a few hours later, after the error was identified early Tuesday. ``It should have been saved off-line. We certainly do feel badly about that,'' Sims said.

The story was posted on the Web site for radio talk show host Glenn Beck.

News outlets routinely prepare obituaries in advance and hold them until the death.

Schiavo is the brain-damaged woman at the center of a dispute between her husband and parents over whether she should be kept alive. Her feeding tube was removed by court order March 18.

Sun Sentinel
So what? It's routine in cases like this for every major news outlet in the nation to have it pre-done. They've got one on Clinton too, and they surely aren't rooting for him to die.
CBS news has a history of this kind of crap. Not rooting for her death...let's hope not.