darling, how about an $8.7m 3 day holiday?

Luis G

Staff member
Mexican resort's $8.7m mini-break

A Mexican resort has come up with an offer to tempt the most extravagant holiday-maker - a three-night stay with private jet and golf, for a mere $8.7m (£4.5m).

The Marquis Los Cabos hotel in Baja California says it has already had a handful of inquiries about the deal.

It includes the services of a Michelin-starred chef and the chance to play a round of golf with star Jack Nicklaus.

But the hefty price tag only pays for one couple and perhaps their children to stay, the hotel manager said.

rest of the story
:eek13: These guys are just insane
For 8.7m I want Halle Berry following me around blowing me whenever I desire.
couldn't you buy your own island for that much?
[veruca salt]rob! i want an 8.7 million dollar island! and i want it now! [/veruca salt]
unclehobart said:
How about I did a trench around the house and fill it up with bog water. Then we'd be an island.
only if you stock it with fish, seashells, and plant some palm trees.....but it would be amusing come trick or treat time.
tonksy said:
only if you stock it with fish, seashells, and plant some palm trees.....but it would be amusing come trick or treat time.

Hmmm...a moat... And who says that pirhana aren't fish...:devious: :D
:hmm: There's just got to be a joke about a vibrator for men in there, but I just can't bring myself to look...
unclehobart said:
How about I did a trench around the house and fill it up with bog water. Then we'd be an island.
Yeah... then Tonks could plant her tomatoes and the Homeowner's Association wouldn't even notice because they'd be so up in arms about the moat.
Inkara1 said:
Yeah... then Tonks could plant her tomatoes and the Homeowner's Association wouldn't even notice because they'd be so up in arms about the moat.
but maybe if we stock the moat with koi and swans they'll just see it as an ostentatious show of money. wait...that means money would have to be spent on this...hmm...what about pigeons and catfish? think that would work?