Dating age range


I'm looking again, and I've been wondering... Those of you that are dating, how old are you, and what range would you consider?

I'm 19, and I would date a 16 year old. Above, hm... proabably up to 4 years older than me I think. Whats your personal guidelines?

The reason why I ask is because some people have wider ranges. I have a friend that is 17 that dates a 14 year old. Thats only three years. I don't think it is bad. Just understand, dating does not mean sex. So don't consider it in the equation unless thats what you are dating for. (I'm not.)
Most guys I get on with are older than me, but I don't really mind. It all depends on the click or don't click thing.
Sure, being legal is a must, but, eeew. I know an 18-year old dating someone in his 30s. To me, that's icky.

But hey, who am I to judge? My mom's coworker has a step-grandmother who is younger than her. *shudder* (Her 70-something year old grandfather married a young girl from the Phillipines).
uhhh....i am 18. I woudl date someone a year younger than me up to prolly 22 or 23.
thankfully, this is no longer an issue for me, but if it was, i'd say +/- 10 years.
I don't care for what the dipshits in Ottawa tell me is legal and not concerning dating. I'd date a 15-year old if she is mature enough. I won't do anything though, I'm not that type.
uhhh -10 or more kinda makes me think ewwwwwwwwwwwwww :sick:

I think -5 or -6 would be aroundabouts my limit.
Spot said:
My wife is +14,would I do it again NO

just out of come? is she starting to "show her age"?

No ,its not looks.Its more the not wanting to marry again,not the age.The age thing does come into musical taste.My idea of camping is hiking for 7hrs and staying overnight for 5days surviving only on the fish I catch ,Her idea of Camping is a fifth wheel trailer with a restaurant next door :rolleyes: We had the same interests when we married ,but since then the gap in how we want to experience them has grown.