Deal with god.


Too cute for words
Abraham is coming down the mountain, to announce the deal. He stops and looks back up at Jehovah, who is still visible in the clouds. He says, "Wait a minute please --- with all due respect, God --- is this the deal? Let me get it straight, before I announce it to the people: The Allah worshipers get most of the world's petroleum reserves. And we Jehovah worshipers get the tips of our penises cut off?"
I kinda picture the bully in P.E., ball ready to be hurled off, looks around, spots the little geek in the corner.. "I...Choose...You!"

Only a man could get so lost that he'd wander around a desert for 40 years....and then blame it on God....yet they still piss & moan about Eve blaming the devil for the apple episode? Go figger.

At least when Mary blamed God for something she got creative......face it, it's infinitely more interesting telling the world your having God's love child than it is trying to convince peeps that you are being led astray by the Oke.
we where not lost in the desert, there was a brown derby, and we stopped for a knosh, then the arguement about splitting up the bill.....
paul_valaru said:
we where not lost in the desert, there was a brown derby, and we stopped for a knosh, then the arguement about splitting up the bill.....
And they worked it out in only forty years. Things were different back then...
