death throes...


Not really sure why you think she's done.

Sarah Palin Steps Into Wisconsin, Points to Left Field, and Hits a Grand Slam (video @ link)

Surrounded by an obnoxiously hostile, astro-turfed, pro-union crowd that tried and failed to drown out her message with obnoxiously hostile astro-turfed noise, the former Alaskan Governor took the fight directly to the growing pile of Obama’s failures in the most effective way we’ve heard yet from a potential GOP challenger.
Sarah will do this as long as she pleases

She was off busy making TV shows
selling books and having a great old time
bustin' libbies balls.

She ain't gonna run for President
why take a pay cut and have too
put up with all that crap?
Her net worth is climbing everyday

I've absolutely no idea what a 'pickle-barrel whore' is
nor do I care too, I will allow that I might indeed be
an imbecile with a 140+ IQ

Sarah's ability to incite paroxysms of rage in Liberals makes her a valuable asset
not to mention she still has a nice ass too.

For a woman that some on the right denounce & most of those on the chant "NUH-UGH, YOU'RE STUPID", she sure gets an awful lot of attention.

She scares you all because...?
Let's have the left pick our candidate again

I got over Sarah during the election
when it became apparent that even with her
on the ticket nothing was going to stop us
from getting someone named Osama as President.

Unfortunately Cerise, she's dead, politically. The left & the entrenched right have worked together, albeit seperately, to destroy her. She is simply too hot to touch (there ya go Winky). I'm deeply saddened by that but it is a fact.

If every single Tea Party afficienado voted for her, the remaining voters would be too wary. They remember what 8 years of anti-Bush rhetoric brought us.
she was done the minute she opened her mouth and spewed out nonsense. and she's the reason obama got elected.