

molṑn labé
Staff member
Did anybody watch the debacle.

Arnold still stands for nothing.

Arianna is a windbag running against GW Bush.

The green party guy wants to tax CA out of existence.

Cruz was too polite & wrong.

which leaves:

TOM McCLINTOCK for Governor of California
Tha's too bad. He actually had a great plan-which nobody else had & understands what it takes to change things.

Cruz & Arnie want to redistibute wealth instead of allowing a man his wages. Arianna was just offensive & the green party guy makes Nader look sane.
Gonz said:
Tha's too bad. He actually had a great plan-which nobody else had & understands what it takes to change things.

Cruz & Arnie want to redistibute wealth instead of allowing a man his wages. Arianna was just offensive & the green party guy makes Nader look sane.

McClintock is the biggest nut in the group he almost makes Arianna look normal.
freako104 said:

It is generally thought that a politician must have 1) a "pet issue" (taxes, medicare, gun control, etc) and 2) A major platform plan to run.

I think this is a fallacy.

If they just had a good intelligent common sense guy who said.

"Everything has to be considered individually on the context of the situation. I vow to make sound common sense decision and push the issues as they come of for the benifit of the majority of the tax paying community"

yea..he would "stand for nothing" Bud damm, it would be such a nice change from all the grandstanding about how x has "the best plan" yada body gives a shit, and the promises never happen anyway.

Id vote for the "common sense" guy.
AE said:
good intelligent common sense

I'm always fond of the quote (I don't even remeber where it's from) "If sense were common, wouldn't there be more of it?"
I can see Gary Coleman at the debate

"whatcha talking about arnie"

so, does Mr. Terminator stand a chance in winning?
chcr said:
I'm always fond of the quote (I don't even remeber where it's from) "If sense were common, wouldn't there be more of it?"


Intelligent enough to understand the issues, but no so "book smart" that his education in theory over shadows his understanding of the realities in the world in which we live.

In other not so smart that he has his head up his ass and lives in a dream world where he thinks ideals of a utopian society (such as zero crime and zero gun rights) are an actual possibility at this time in our civilization.

I think Al Gore suffered from being a little "too idealistic" and lacked common sense while Bush might be a tad heavy on the common sense but shy in the book smarts area....

Is that better???
it would be a great ideal that common sense would be a realistic voting option but sadly it is rhetoric, ideology and fist waving that tends to get results in politics.

that and being famous, if people already recognise your face then it removes the need for them to think about what you have to say.
ris said:
it would be a great ideal that common sense would be a realistic voting option but sadly it is rhetoric, ideology and fist waving that tends to get results in politics.

A true testament to the level of intelligence of the average person and the benifits of public education.....
Arianna is a freaking disturbed and disturbing psycho. Man, listening to her gives me the chills. I can't imagine people actually electing someone like that, but I suppose anything is possible.

(go ahead, let the GWBush comments commence...)
AnomalousEntity said:
A true testament to the level of intelligence of the average person and the benifits of public education.....

always be careful what you say, you never know which moderators were schooled through the state.
AnomalousEntity said:

Intelligent enough to understand the issues, but no so "book smart" that his education in theory over shadows his understanding of the realities in the world in which we live.

In other not so smart that he has his head up his ass and lives in a dream world where he thinks ideals of a utopian society (such as zero crime and zero gun rights) are an actual possibility at this time in our civilization.

I think Al Gore suffered from being a little "too idealistic" and lacked common sense while Bush might be a tad heavy on the common sense but shy in the book smarts area....

Is that better???

There's another old quote, that I really like.

"Those who desire power are seldom those best qualified to wield it."
Some quotes:

Democracy is a process by which the people are free to choose the man who will get the blame. Laurence Peter

What we imagine is order is merely the prevailing form of chaos. Kerry Thornley , Principia Discordia

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill

The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think--rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. Bill Beattie

"Politics are a lousy way for a free man to get things done. Politics are, like God's infinite mercy, a last resort." P. J. O'Rourke , Parliament of Whores (1991)

The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist. Eric Hoffer

I like that last one the best. Personly i don't care about CA cause I live on the other side of the world :)