Dell recall

At work, we're an all-Dell shop. One day our mail person plopped 30 little boxes, all from Dell, in my inbox. Apparently, since I was listed as the primary contact, they decided to send me the same notice. 30 times. And it didn't stop there, they kept coming and coming and coming. And the mail person refused to throw them away for me. So she would put a pile of them in my inbox every day. And as soon as she did, I would tip the inbox into the garbage can.

Thanks for the reminder though. I should mention it to the new pc guy since the old one never did shit about the recall.
At least you didn't plop the 30 lil box's in the trash. My place got new DELL's and they didn't want the XP Pro on it so the went and reinstalled 2000 on all of them and then threw away the software. :D I managed to get one and also got the serials and books as well. Nice to know the janitors.