Delta Force Black Hawk Down


Well-Known Member
Just got it. Still on the first couple of levels but seems pretty cool sofar. Hopped into a smaller chopper a little while ago and fired one of badass machine gun anyhow, taking out about a hundred samoli rebels. After about an hour of gameplay it seems somewhat like 1942. More input later. This one's put out by Nova logic.
I'm just a bit disturbed they'd make a game from a movie that was based on a real life tragedy.

With my objections out of the way...better than1942?
To soon to tell. The graphics and air abilities are much better.

Oh and wasn't 1942 based on a tragedy of epic proportions? I understand the objection but i think it's simply because you don't actually remember WWII as an emotional memory like the BHD story. get to do lots of killing!