Dem Astroturfing Campaign Targets Conservative Talk Radio


Well-Known Member
Obama orders his goose-stepping lemmings to flood talk radio with pro-0bamacare calls.

Organizing for America--the campaign arm of the Obama administration--is rolling out the astroturf in an effort to get liberal voices heard on the nation's most popular (i.e. conservative) talk radio shows. The campaign is called "On the Air."

Visitors at (talk about grassroots!) are provided with a phone number of a conservative talk radio show, and a list of health care talking points. They are instructed to call when health care comes up and reissue these points for the benefit of that station's audience.

It is, how you say......unprecedented....that a PoTUS would encourage his supporters to call into talk radio programs, the majority of the listed ones conservative, to try to sway listeners with their rant about the benefits of 0bamacare!

The one I heard the other night on Medved went a step further and said he wished the entire US to be a socialist nation where there was no free will, that every single aspect of people's lives was directed by the government from what you learned at school to what kind of job you had and medical care was limited to those whom society could benefit from.....a gen-yoo-wine death panel supporter!

Funny though, the only reason a host like Limbaugh or Hannity (they had enough sense not to include Savage or Levin or Cunningham or Ingraham in their list of those to call) would allow them on the air is to expose them for the 0bots that they are and let their listeners see just the unrivaled arrogance this admin shows more of each and every day!
Nah, it seems the President is far from lonely. Highly misguided but not lonely.
It is, how you say......unprecedented....that a PoTUS would encourage his supporters to call into talk radio programs, the majority of the listed ones conservative, to try to sway listeners with their rant about the benefits of 0bamacare!

Everyone who participates and signs up for the weekly newsletter will receive a lovely brown shirt absolutely free.

(Brown shirts limited to availability on hand and the reserve of other people's money which is used to pay for them. Colors may vary. Only one shirt per participant. Please specify size. Free armband included with Obamacare logo (shown below). All resemblance to Nazi symbols is purely coincidental. Please allow up to six weeks -- the same time it takes to get a CAT scan under Obamacare -- for delivery.)

Dems can not stop Conservative Talk Radio!

I see this action as one of absolute desperation.
It is the act of an administration that has lost all popular support
and one that will soon lose all political power as well.

Bon Voyage to our first halfrican President!
Be sure to take Nancy and the rest of them with ya.