Democrat John Conyers wife convicted of conspiracy


Well-Known Member
The Free Press was able to print the party affiliation of Rep. Conyers. I wonder what the Libaral MSM had to say on this simple detail.


Conyers pleads guilty to conspiracy
She faces up to 5 years in prison

• Free Press Staff Writers
• June 26, 2009

Detroit City Council President Pro Tem Monica Conyers pleaded guilty this morning to conspiring to commit bribery and is free on personal bond.

U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn said, "The defendant now stands convicted."

The one count of conspiring to commit bribery is punishable by up to five years in prison.

No sentencing date has been set.

In court, Conyers’ combative demeanor was gone, replaced by soft-spoken resignation as the judge and his staff several times asked her to speak up.

Conyers, the wife of powerful Democratic congressman U.S. Rep. John Conyers, appeared before Cohn to answer charges in connection with the wide-ranging probe of wrongdoing at Detroit city hall.

Download the charging document and plea agreement.

Read the waiver of indictment.

She has long been under suspicion in the Synagro Technologies bribery probe, not least because she had been a vocal opponent of the contract before suddenly switching her sentiments. She became the deciding voice in the city council’s 5-4 vote to approve the sludge-hauling deal in November 2007.

“This is not the beginning and it is certainly not the end, folks,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Andy Arena said at a news conference this morning.

Arena said the message to corrupt public officials is, “We’re coming after you.”

U.S. Attorney Terrence Berg, a Detroit resident, said the city corruption probe continues, but this is the end of his office’s investigation “of Synagro-related conduct.”

It remains unclear if federal investigators are still considering Synagro charges against Sam Riddle, the ex-Conyers aide, who court documents suggest was with Conyers when she received at least one of the bribes.

The Free Press previously reported that Riddle is also under investigation for possible corruption in Southfield. In that instance, authorities are looking into whether a pawn shop in that city used undue influence to win quicker approval to move its store to another part of Southfield.
You gonna do it up in here!

Oh please, STFU bitch!

you all knows who she be alls married to right up in here, right Homies?

Yup dats right!

well jim... lemme fill you in here. the detroit free press IS the "liberal rag" (as my favorite uncle called it) in detroit. ummkay?

yeah and this story is just sensational. pardon me while i yawn my fucking ass off.
They should sentence her to the maximum penalty. Dopey broad crapped on her own doorstep and even a novice knows better than that.

The story was a decent sized article in McClatchy owned media in NC today and was on ABC, NBC and MSNBC last night with no biased reporting. As Jack Webb used to say during the show "Dragnet", just the facts Ma'am, just the facts.
The Culture of Corruption. She now has the credentials to rise rapidly within the 'rat party.
"Do it up in here"
"Don't disrespec(t) me"
Do it baby. Do it"

Remember when Detroits only problem was being the murder capital?
BTW, what ever happened to Nazi Palosi's campaign to prosecute everone who knew about waterboarding?