

100% Pure Canadian Beef

Ok, so it seems we are having Deserters from the american military coming to Canada to escape the war.

I don`t understand they willingly and knowlingly joined the military. They are soldiers, they joined the army, the army fights wars. I beleive the Canadian goverment should send them back to the states, this is not the days of the draft, they where willing.

It is thier job to follow orders, one recent deserter was ever airborne, to quote a local Canadian tv host "ìf you join the airborne you know you probably won`t be doing flower arranging".

I understand that the army still has concience objector status (another thing I don`t understand) I mean if there is something bad happening you say no and then go to a military tribunal (if you are ordered to kill civilians you say no, and then get cleared in the military courts).

The point being if you want to join the military and get the paycheck you should be expected to do your job. You can`t work at McDonalds and refuse to serve fries.

I don`t see Gato WANTING to go to another beach without ocean, but I don`t see him running to our winter wonderland to avoid it. He does his job, and yes it is a dangerous job, but everyone who joins the military in ANY aspect should know that there is some danger involved.

you do your job, if you feel like there is some reason you shouldn`t you say no and take your punishment.
Shoot them in the back of the head and crucify their corpses on the edge of town to rot and be eaten by birds until their bleached bones turn to dust by the sun.
If you took a job at Jamba Juice to make healthy smoothies and later found out they were poisioning people what do you do?

Well. you'd probably report them and quit. Can't do that in the military...hence deserters.
flavio said:
If you took a job at Jamba Juice to make healthy smoothies and later found out they were poisioning people what do you do?

so you run to starbucks?

if they truly disagree, they try theeir chances in court, AMERICAN court, not Canadian.
flavio said:
If you took a job at Jamba Juice to make healthy smoothies and later found out they were poisioning people what do you do?

Well. you'd probably report them and quit. Can't do that in the military...hence deserters.
You are a special kind of nimrod, aren't you? What do you think the job of the military is? It is to protect us? Yes. It is also to obey the orders passed down to you. To say that you will do this and then not do it is cowardice.
I don't think court would work out. If you think the war the government sponsored war is morally wrong and are tried by a government court you're probably screwed.
Sorry, flavio, they volunteered to be part of the military. If they don't agree with what the military is doing they tender their resignation and take their chances with a military court. Desertion is not an honorable option. The Jamba Juice analogy is meaningless.
Nope. Everyone is blameless as a babe in swaddling except Bush. He's satan.

Are we done listening to this garbage yet?
HomeLAN said:
Nope. Everyone is blameless as a babe in swaddling except Bush. He's satan.

Are we done listening to this garbage yet?
I know I am. I learned how to use a new bulletion board function tonight.
LOL HL your starting to sound like me when I when on a rant about "polls". :lol2:

Like mind torture at times, isn't it? :D
Not really. Just terribly, terribly disappointing.

What's really insane is that he actually managed to rack up positive karma before he shut it off.
eh, I look at it like the conversations I had with young Hani. (at jjrs)
I can't personally rap my mind around that way of thinking, but 'sometimes'
it intriguing to see why/how people do come to some of these conclusions. :)
Shoot them. They wanted to get the goodies & not pay the price. Hell, shoot them twice.
HomeLAN said:
Are we done listening to this garbage yet?

Say the word.

Paul, Conscientious Objector status has an outstanding function. People who proven a history of anti-violence or religious status were, during the draft, allowed to participate in non-fighting functions like typing, latrine scrubbing, medical stuff & labor...leaving the more violent ones to kick the shit out of the bad guys without worrying about reports being properly filled out.
chcr said:
Sorry, flavio, they volunteered to be part of the military. If they don't agree with what the military is doing they tender their resignation and take their chances with a military court. Desertion is not an honorable option. The Jamba Juice analogy is meaningless.
No, the Jamba Juice analogy is dead on.

People join the military (often 18yr olds who haven't paid much attention to politics) trusting in their government and that any action they see will be for the purpose of defending the country, protectig our freedoms, and always on the just side of the moral spectrum.

If they find out later they've been tricked into a situation where they might have to kill or die for some immoral BS and a corrupt political agenda they might just feel pissed and betrayed.

Nope. Everyone is blameless as a babe in swaddling except Bush. He's satan.
Hell no, according to some here Bush has Papal Infallibilty.

Are we done listening to this garbage yet?
Are you done jumping into threads with these moronic rants? If you disagree with me about something use some reason or logic to explain yourself.

If you have no counterpoint whatsoever and all you can do is lash out, attack the character of the poster, or cover your ears and ignore the poster then maybe there's a flaw in your position or you're unthinkingly protecting preconceived and avoiding the truth. This is weakness.

Right now this is all you're doing....

An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of "argument" has the following form:

  1. [*]Person A makes claim X.
    [*]Person B makes an attack on person A.
    [*]Therefore A's claim is false.
or in this case....
1. Person A claims deserters may not just be simply cowards.
2. Person B says Person A thinks Bush is Satan.
3. Therefore A's claim is false.
flavio said:
People join the military (often 18yr olds who haven't paid much attention to politics) trusting in their government and that any action they see will be for the purpose of defending the country, protectig our freedoms, and always on the just side of the moral spectrum.

If they find out later they've been tricked into a situation where they might have to kill or die for some immoral BS and a corrupt political agenda they might just feel pissed and betrayed.

I don't think our military men & women are stupid. Why do you think that?