Designing a Webpage course...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I've been talking to my boss at Signpost about continuing with my teacher training... He suggested that if I design a 10 hour (2hrs x 5 weeks) Building Your Own Webpage Course for beginners, he will appoint me to run it so that I can get my teaching practice in for my Cert. Ed. :D

It'll involve using frontpage to build the site, effective design and navigation, simple graphics editing, searching for free graphics to use, how to find and using free javascripts to make the site more dynamic and also registering for a free account and ftping your pages up to it and how to maintain it, so that by the end of the course each student should have their own site up and running. There will also be information on the best tutorial sites and local resources for those wanting to go further.

I'm a very happy bunny! :cocktail:
^_^ :hug: that's awesome!! I did a whole web design course course this last semster, it was sortta fun (the theory was a little miff, but bearable though, just lots to learn o_O) Congrats on the course, it's one of the most fun ones to do IMHO :D

Glad to hear your good fortune!! :D :hug:
sounds really good, aunty :)

may i suggest that the first 20mins of each lesson is spent with them repeating the mantra 'less is more' in an attempt to reduce the number of godawful websites out there that flicker, move pointlessly, use revolting fonts, make me want to cry/scream/kill.

not that i have a problem with them or anyhting :D :D

Signpost want me to use Frontpage. Personally I don't particularly like it, but they want it to be drag and drop and easily accessible, so if that's what they want who am I to argue... and I do know Lycos support frontpage and have free accounts if they don't already have their own webspace. And I shall devote some of the first lesson to looking at well designed websites ie simple, easy to navigate with good clean color schemes that are not too hard on the eyes! What they decide on after that is up to them.... I will also try to impress on them that all singing, all dancing is not necessarily the best idea... :eek:

I'll have to dig out Frontpage and refamiliarise myself with it over the summer. Well I do have two websites to build so I should get plenty of practice. :D
Sounds great Aunty! :bgtup:

Rusty did that very thing, he was teaching beginners web design to people who were unemployed. I'll ask him for ideas and tips if you want. I know the end goal of the class was to design the website for the program itself to use for recruitment, I thought that was a great idea.
I already designed the signpost site... ;)

The idea is to get them to design their own websites for whatever reason... Hopefully I will have mine all sorted out by then and can use it as and example.
Frontpage is easy but i hear it is not very compatible in with browsers..(doesn't make sense as to why)...or web hosts. I would say try dreamweaver; it's harder to learn but you'll be more satisfied. The main thing however comes down to this if you don't know HTML and you try to run a fairly decent page on your are screwed. .....even a little problem can be confusing...but i am sure somebody at OTC will gladly help you out with those nick nacks and the nitty gritty.
I have no problem with HTML I learnt to code about 3 years ago . :) - I use CSS, javascript, etc in my own webpages. I also programme in VB6 - mainly databases, and I'm trying to find enough time to learn C++ and ASP - but we're talking about total beginners here who have no programming experience so they need something simple and affordable (I will not encourage piracy) because this is a very deprived area. The course has to accessible to everyone not just a few.

If they want to go on to learn HTML coding then I will have a floppy full of links to tutorials, etc on the web... unfortunately none of the colleges here teaches HTML.

If it's successful and enough people are interested then I may go on to design a course to actually teach them HTML or to use more advanced editors such as Dreamweaver. I use both Dreamweaver and AceHTML Pro depending on how I'm feeling at the time. I may also put together a collection of free tools that they may find useful use since I've CDs full of programs. :)
Start with Dreamweaver, it's far more easy to learn with it than with notepad ;)
Luis G said:
Start with Dreamweaver, it's far more easy to learn with it than with notepad ;)


At least you dont' need a special server with Dreamweaver. :rolleyes: cough*stupid-MS-tacticts*cough*