Desperation, thy name is...

Friends mount billboard seeking wife for 31-year-old Utah bachelor

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Friends say Lance Archibald is a tall, handsome former college basketball player and graduate of Harvard business school.

He's also still single at 31, and so they're hoping to speed things up with a billboard and website.

"I'm Lance, Let's go out!" reads the billboard on an interstate near Lindon, 65 kilometres south of Salt Lake City.

"It kind of came out of discussions we had, that Lance is such a good guy but not married," said Morgan Lynch, CEO of LogoWorks, where Archibald is the director of marketing. "Someone threw out the idea of getting a billboard."

So why the concern over Archibald's marital status? As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members typically marry in their early 20s, the 31-year-Archibald is approaching the male-equivalent of an "old maid."

Friends say they're not sure what the Brigham Young University graduate and former Mormon missionary is looking for but tease "it's taking a little longer than usual for a guy with these credentials."

Team DateLance, the cadre of friends and co-workers behind the scheme, are screening date applications. The site asks interested women to describe themselves, including age, occupation and personality, and to describe their ideal date with Archibald.

So far, the website has received more than 1,500 hits, with several women vying for a date.

"We're still taking submissions," Bates said. "As much as we thought it'd be funny, we're serious about this."

Archibald is taking the attention in stride, although he says he's spent a good amount of time explaining to others what his friends have done. And he says he's not bothered by singlehood.

"I'm not overly concerned about (marriage). I'm pretty happy right now," Archibald said. "I'd like to get married, but it's not a concern."


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See, crap like that is part of why I'm glad I didn't take the opportunity when I was 15 and the Mormon missionaries told me if I didn't join right then the window of opportunity would be closed forever.
Way to go friends....make a normal guy seem like a desperate nutjob.

Why don't they just kick him in the nads and watch him squirm.