Dick Goes There: Calls a Traitor a Traitor!


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Cheney Interview: NYC Trials Aid and Comfort the Enemy.

....and they're going to bring KSM and his associates up to New York and put them in a federal civilian court.

The danger of that, in my mind, is that it's going to give KSM a huge platform.

He'll have the opportunity to go in there — excuse me — and do battle over the evidence, try to get his hands on classified material. Beyond that he'll be able to go in, whenever he's up on the stand, and proselytize, if you will, millions of people out there around the world, including some of his radical Muslim friends, and generate a whole new generation of terrorists.

This is a man who said — who, first of all, has admitted his crime. He said he expected to be tried before a military commission and executed down in Guantanamo. He wants to die for Allah. He's proud of what he did when he came to the U.S. or organized the efforts of 9/11 and killed 3,000 Americans.

....And the more visibility he gets for his continued activities, the more he's going to encourage others to think as he does and to embark upon the same religious jihad that dominated his life.

.... I think it'll give aid and comfort to the enemy. I think it will make Khalid Sheikh Mohammed something of a hero in certain circles, especially in the radical regions of Islam around the world.

Cheney is correct. Aid and comfort to the enemy fits precisely into the constitutional definition of treason. At least he is willing to speak the truth about what is happening in Washington. Even casual observation reveals that the administration's actions are weakening the country.
Article III.


Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
cheney is a fucking asshole that's only concerned with trying to retroactively paint himself in a less unfavorable light.

yeah, let's say fuck a real trial. let's charge them in a kangaroo court and string them up high. that will really help the rest of the world look at us as sitting on the moral high ground.

walks away, looking for a sink to rinse the vomit off his pants.
Why give them a "real" trial in a NYC courtroom? They are enemy combatants. The ones who committed "crimes" within the jurisdiction of American criminal courts in connection with the 9/11 attacks are already dead.

The "suspects" in question have committed acts of war, not crimes, and they committed them outside the jurisdiction of the US court system. They need to be tried in front of a military commission and executed in Gitmo.

The travesty scheduled to happen in NYC is nothing but a show trial against the Bush administration.

The Cole bombers are scheduled to receive a military commission. Is this a legal, or a political decision? What was the criteria used to decide who receives military trials or the criminal courts system?

How will they find impartial jury members for the confessed mastermind of the 9/11 terror attacks and five other suspected terrorists? Hmmmm. Jury........a jury of their peers? They are not American citizens. Not entitled to Constitutional rights. Will the prosecutors attempt to disqualify Muslims from jury duty? Imagine the outrage. One Muslim on that jury will hang it. :shrug:
Holy crap I must be getting senile, wasn't a Demorat President
when the USS Cole was blown'ed up?

Justice delayed is justice denied.

yeah, let's say fuck a real trial. let's charge them in a kangaroo court and string them up high. that will really help the rest of the world look at us as sitting on the moral high ground.

They plead guilty in a military tribunal that Obama ovrerode.

They are not common criminals. They are not American citizens. They have no right to a trial by jury.
sure, i think it's great that american bitterness supports a monkey trial. let's just nail those creepy islams to the wall an be done with it. :retard:

why would we want their convictions to seem as legitimate and fair as possible in the american system?
I don't recall trying Nazis in the American judicial system either.

They are not criminals. They are illegal combatants. There is, and needs to continue to be, a huge difference.
sure, i think it's great that american bitterness supports a monkey trial. let's just nail those creepy islams to the wall an be done with it. :retard:

By "Creepy Islams" do you mean the Boooooosh Administration?

And what makes you so sure the other "creepy muslims" will be "ignored" anyway? Who will you blame?

why would we want their convictions to seem as legitimate and fair as possible in the american system?

Barry already said they will be found guilty. Isn't that tainting the jury??


Although trials always hold the possibility of acquittal, the Department of Justice says it is confident the terror suspects will be found guilty. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has said prosecutors will seek the death penalty for all five defendants.

Where is the outrage??