Did you know?


An apple has about 90 calories.

A Big Mac burger has about 600. The large fries also has about 600. That is 1,200. The pop you're drinking (large) is say 710 mL has several dozen teaspoons of sucrose in it. Thats over 1,500 calories for the meal. Or, over 16 apples. :eek:
Since when has one lousy big mac and fries constituted a meal? Better make that 2 big macs, 2 supersized fries, a 12 pack, and a comfy chair to sit in for 14 hours straight. The apple makes for a good paperweight.

...and for lunch?
NH what? I live in a snowless part of the world. The concept as hockey here is as alien as dignity is to a colonoscopy.
Ah yes, you and your colonoscopy thoughts...

How about NFL? Pick something. Or a movie. Something on that nice 63" TV you have.
12 oz can of Pepsi, 150 calories

Get oldm gain weight, just as nature intended