Didn't somebody say March?


molṑn labé
Staff member
The US economy strengthened considerably in December, leading the global economic recovery and leaving Europe and Japan behind, the Organisation of Economic

Cooperation and Development (OECD) said today.
The upbeat assessment of the US economy from the OECD came just hours ahead of a meeting of finance ministers from the G7 group of leading industrialised countries, with the weakness of the dollar the prime subject of concern.

Squiggy said:
We're STILL in deep trouble....A news blurb does little to stop that...:(

Turn off Dan Rather. Last night, the CBS evening news was on & it lead with three I HATE BUSH stories followed by a terrorist attack in Russia. No matter how loud Dan yells, the ecoomy is no longer in trouble & hasn't been for over a year.
I don't watch Dan Rather...Maybe you should stop payin attention to the Young Republican Network. :devious:

Our devalued dollar is just starting to smack us in the face and its gonna get worse...The day i left for Leslie's, the exchange rate was about .62. The day after I got there it was about .70. Today, its about .75 with no sign of reversing its direction....Ultimately, that will translate into double digit inflation for us...NOT a sign of a healthy economy. :eh: