Diet question?


New Member
OK......................I like to drink my beer..........but i've put a few pounds on (about 10-12).....UGH! Want to loose it, but don't want to stop the beer any ideas on a diet plan.......really don't want the Atkin's or south Beach, etc.....just simple diet but still beer! LOL :D
Easy. Exercise at least thirty minutes every day (more, if you can). I'm talking heart pounding sweat like a pig exersize, not 30 minutes on a treadmill at a slow walk. I wouldn't drink the beer while you're excercising.
yeah and Cheeky's diet plan
has the extra added benefits as follow's:

1. you can eat more food when you 'move' yer ass


2. yer ass will look a lot better!

so cheek olde boi

how's the plugged up heart plumbing a doin'?
I'd cut out the carbs at night because you're body doesn't burn them as well. Otherwise, a good quick paced walk every evening for an hour or 30 min of hard core exercising will do the trick as well.
Have more sex. That will burn some calories off... and drinking more beer will facilitate it. :D
unclehobart said:
I suggest cutting all calories out of your diet except for beer. Its the traditional West Virginia diet.

See, that's what I've been doing...........LOL

Will try the 30 minute hard core exercising thingy...guess....... :swing: