discussion on love


New Member
TheWho said:
I'd gladly lose me to find you
i'd gladly give up all i had
to find you i'd suffer anything and be glad

i'd pay any price just to get you
i'd work all my life and i will
to win you i'd stand naked, stoned, and stabbed

i'd call that a bargain
the best i ever had
the best i ever had

these lyrics, while beautiful, got me thinking.....what the fuck kind of bargain is that? should you have to do so much for love? should you have to surrender yourself and everything that makes you you? why on earth would you want to do that? how can it be love if you can't be yourself? shouldn't love be more of a blending of people?
Those are lyrics to describe a feeling rather than describe one of the better trades in life. Those were written to describe one persons profuse love for another instead of describing how love is worth stripping bare yourself for another.
I'd gladly lose me to find you
i'd gladly give up all i had
to find you i'd suffer anything and be glad

i'd pay any price just to get you
i'd work all my life and i will
to win you i'd stand naked, stoned, and stabbed

i'd call that a bargain
the best i ever had
the best i ever had

Someone willing to do all that would scare the living daylights out of me. :eek:

What a horrible burden to lay on the recipient! There's no way I could deal with the guilt of it. I'd be out of that relationship so fast the only sign I was ever there would be the smell of burning rubber.
I wouldn't mind the standing naked bit.........but the rest of it I wouldn't do :eh:

Although saying that..........I've known folks who have given up their jobs, social lives, spent a lot of money etc to look after sick husbands/wives/children.

Funny business is love :shrug:
Oz said:
I wouldn't mind the standing naked bit.........but the rest of it I wouldn't do :eh:
i wouldn't mind the stoned bit....
Oz said:
Although saying that..........I've known folks who have given up their jobs, social lives, spent a lot of money etc to look after sick husbands/wives/children.

Funny business is love :shrug:
well...that's different...that's because they are family and that's what you do...i was referring to early romantic love...the beginning bits.
tonks said:
i wouldn't mind the stoned bit....


well...that's different...that's because they are family and that's what you do...i was referring to early romantic love...the beginning bits.

Oh right........then no. Ain't any point in meetin' the person of yer dreams if they are gonna change.......be like meetin' Xena and gettin home to find Elize Doolittle .....blech.
Gonz said:
Romanticism is foolish. Looks like slavery to me.

I agree, in that situation, you will get hurt in one way or another.
Then :D becomes :crying4:
True romance doesn't happen alot like it does in the movies, but it still happens, hopefully not like in the lyrics.
Changing yourself for love isn't love at all. If it's true love neither partner should have to change at all.
Bungi said:
Changing yourself for love isn't love at all. If it's true love neither partner should have to change at all.

Then it isn't love but an idealized fantasy. Compromise is a known aspect of love. Accepting the significant other for what he/she is fine at the get go but eventually the luster of infatuation wears off and true love delivers a swift kick in the ass.
Also, your love should also be a very good friend... if not your best friend. If you aren't compatible and work well around each other and have each others back in times of need... then you only have the brief interludes of passion which isn't anything to form the basis of a solid long term relationship. If you cannot confide in your love... then its toast.
IDLEchild said:
You should be able to or you should have to?
able ... and freely. There shouldn't be any hesitation in speaking your mind or share your troubles and insights. Anything else is just plain unhealthy and leads to trouble. If you are of one mind and share and accept on all levels, you cannot help but be in bliss.

Yes... you should want to. One doesn't keep secrets from ones best friend.
unclehobart said:
able ... and freely. There shouldn't be any hesitation in speaking your mind or share your troubles and insights. Anything else is just plain unhealthy and leads to trouble. If you are of one mind and share and accept on all levels, you cannot help but be in bliss.

Yes... you should want to. One doesn't keep secrets from ones best friend.

I totally agree. A best friend who you can share with - and desire to make love with in some amount of regularity. Without desire/attraction, you've just got friendship - right? :love:
If you have lust... you have a weekend. If you have love without friendship, you won't last 3 years. If you have friendship without love... then you have a friend for life. If you have friendship and love... you have the storybooks and bliss beyond the grave.
It would be a decaying cycle though. Both may stick it out for the rest of their lives... but they won't truly be happy. Its sort of like living a double life at times.