Do these people get along with anybody


molṑn labé
Staff member

Let them eat cake

France's political elite was stunned on Friday by an opinion poll that showed for the first time a majority of voters opposed the European Union constitutional treaty.

Jacques Delors, former president of the European Commission, warned of a “political cataclysm” if France voted No to the constitution in a national referendum on May 29.

However, Mr Delors predicted that the Yes campaign, which has only just been launched, would ultimately prevail. “I believe in the good sense of the people. They will not confuse this vote with questions of internal politics,” Mr Delors said in a newspaper interview.

I think the French gov. has a hangup about just being pressured into anything(.)

I wonder sometimes too if like here, what some of the views and stuff
of the gov., reflect what the 'majority' of the peoples there really think.
The EU is Frances baby. Unfortunately its fairly corrupt and the bureaucrats in Brussels seem to be on a jolly. The EU is a good idea but not while the french have to much control.
The UN wants to go to war. Who do they call? There's a hurricane/tidal wave/tornado/mudslide/cave-in/earthqueake/shall I go on, who do they call? We are in charge.
But like they say, better not step on too many toes on the way up because they will be all waiting for you on the way down.

I wouldn't overly concern yourself with the frogs, no one really understands what they're on about.

Saw a funny comedian called Al Murray "pub landlord" the other night. He's highly pro british and right wing. He had a joke about how the british invented global time, so you know what that means. You don't have Breakfast until we tell you to.